What is you system configuration for developing iPlanet applications? Do you have iWS and/or iAS installed on your desktop? What
IDE do you have? What other tools do you run concurrently with them, like version control, UML tools, etc?
Last, what CPU and how much memory do you have, and does your system seem slow or snappy?
I've got a P3-800 w/512MB, iAS 6.0, iWS 4, Forte 3.0 Enterprise, PVCS, and Describe UML. I rarely run Describe and Forte at the same time as the performance is awful. Otherwise the performance is ok, but not quite as snappy as I'd like.
What brought about this question is I discovered that Forte 4.0 Enterprise requires P3-500 w/512MB, whereas 3.0 required P3-866 w/384MB. iAS itself wants 512MB, and iWS wants 128MB, according to the system "requirements". Describe is fairly hefty, too.