> But you tell me the purpose of nice looking site
> when a posted problem got no reply, no response?
> Decision is yours. Whether people might come here
> for solutions or just see bright colors and cool
> things. And mind it is my name and nothing else.
> waiting still for my query response!
Java Ranch does a pretty good job of keeping a friendly attitude around here, so I hate to respond this way.
But, in short, you are saying that you:
1. Encountered an obscure error in a product that GA'd a month ago.
2. Posted a message about the error on a free bulletin board without any kind of sample code, reproducible
test case, conditions where the problem does or not happen, or other surrounding detail.
3. Refused to abide by the simple rules of the message board.
4. Complained that no one responded to your post.
Well, I've searched the bug database, the database of support calls, and the web. The only hit I got was your post. So it looks like you have an obscure problem and I don't think you can fault this community for not having an immediate response.
I'm sorry that you are having problems. I'd like to see lots more people using S1AS7. But you haven't asked your question in way that is very likely to facilitate a helpful response.
I'd respective suggest ESR's "How to Ask Questions the Smart Way" here :
http://tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html . He has several guidelines that might be helpful. I'll quote the last paragraph:
Remember: When that hacker tells you that you've screwed up, and (no matter how gruffly) tells you not to do it again, he's acting out of concern for (1) you and (2) his community. It would be much easier for him to ignore you and filter you out of his life. If you can't manage to be grateful, at least have a little dignity, don't whine, and don't expect to be treated like a fragile doll just because you're a newcomer with a theatrically hypersensitive soul and delusions of entitlement.