Currently, I have Jess 6.x deployed within a servletContextListener in Weblogic. We can't use Jess inside an
EJB because it is a multi-threaded application. Will Jess 7.0 be deployable within an EJB? The JBossRules folks are planning on having thier rules engine accessable as a web-service in thier next iteration. Is a similar feature planned with Jess?
In a perfect world, I'd like a fast way to communicate with Jess from my EJB's. Currently, I accomplish this with JMS or RMI/IIOP. However, both of those methods have too much overhead for what I'm doing. Any suggestions?
Mike Van
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Unless you really suck at it. Then, you might just want to try something else, if you dont' want to be a loser I mean.