I want to integrate Liferay Portal server on glassfish.
I am using the following versions of the softwares required:
Glassfish -- glassfish-installer-v1_ur1-p01-b02.jar
Liferay -- liferay-portal-4.2.2.ear
Liferay Jaas Plugin -- liferay-portal-jaas-4.2.2.jar
I followed this 3 part series for this integration :
http://blogs.sun.com/theaquarium/entry/howto_glassfish_liferay All things are set except the last part which is deploying the liferay-portal-4.2.2.ear file on Glassfish.
I am facing the following error while deploying the ear from the admin console.
Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors for module [liferay] -- com/liferay/documentlibrary/service/DLLocalService Error loading deployment descriptors for module [liferay] -- com/liferay/documentlibrary/service/DLLocalService I looked in to the liferay-portal-4.2.2.ear file by extracting it and the jar containing the com.liferay.documentlibrary.service.DLLocalService class is there in this ear file, then also the server is throwing this error.
If anybody had done this integration succesfully please help me sorting out the problem i am facing.