I bought this book when I was studying for the
SCJP2 exam. I was worried that if the exam had a lot on threads I might
not know the nitty-gritty particulars. As it turns out,
Java threads are
pretty simple. But! This book points out the details that can trip you up
if you're not careful! Reading this book not only made Java threads rock
solid in my head, but makes a great reference for when you jump into
tricky threading waters.(trailboss Jan 2000)
You need to learn more about Threads, so you need this book. It goes into great detail
and will give you the mechanics of Threads in Java. If you're interested in
patterns and
the more subtle design issues of Threads, then
you should also check out the Doug Lea
"Concurrent Programming in Java" book, but start with the Oaks/Wong book first!
[little warning: in some places "Java Threads" oversimplifies, and it doesn't
offer the very lowest level of detail you could hope for, but it's still the best place to
start]. This new Second Edition is updated for Java2, and includes new material and
corrections to the earlier book.(cowgirl May 1999)
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