Author/s : Eric M. Burke
Publisher : O'Reilly
Category : Misc. Java
Review by : Thomas Paul - Bartender, December 2001</pre> The combination of
Servlets and XSLT is a natural fit and a possible alternative to Servlets and
This book gives excellent coverage to using XSLT to generate dynamic web pages. The first part of the book is an introduction to XSLT. For those unfamiliar with XSLT, this part of the book will be an excellent introduction. For those using XSLT, an additional tutorial or reference will be required. The next part of the book covers how to use a Java program to transform an XML document into HTML. SAX, DOM, JDOM, and JAXP are all covered. This section includes information on how to configure your environment to correctly process XML documents. Anyone who has run into the mysterious �sealing violation� will appreciate this help. The next part of the book is a series of case studies starting with a discussion forum. The case studies demonstrate solutions to real world programming issues and help to uncover some of the issues that programmers will face if they choose to use these technologies. Performance issues are discussed with each solution.
My one complaint with this book is that the author tends to overstate the advantages of XSLT while understating the advantages of JSP. Overall, the author has done an outstanding job of putting the two technologies (Java and XSLT) together in a way that is easy to understand.
Anyone interested in using XSLT in their Java development efforts should start with this book.
More info at Amazon.com More info at Amazon.co.uk More info at FatBrain.com
[This message has been edited by Johannes de Jong (edited December 05, 2001).]