Author/s : Jayson Falkner, James Hart, Richard Huss, Cindy Nordahl
Publisher : Wrox
Category : J2EE & Distributed Computing
Review by : Ersin Eser
Rating : 7 horseshoes</pre>
The JSTL is currently in its Early Access stage (JSR-052), and it is aiming for a common, standard set of custom tag libraries such as Core Library (iteration, conditional, processing, and expression language support: SPEL, ECMAScript, JPath, JXPath), Formatting Library (support for I18N, local formatting and parsing), SQL Library (for database access from
JSP), and XML Processing (tags for parsing and XSL transformation of XML documents), all of which are covered by this book.
So far, this is the only book available for this new, exciting topic. If you are interested in JSTL (
you should be if you are a web application developer), this book will give you a great opportunity to get a practical overview of the topic. You don’t have to wait a few more months to start exploring and using the JSTL. Of course, the book does not provide all the nitty-gritty stuff, but it will definitely help you to understand the topic by showing the usage of the tags thru a web application.The book does not include an index. The book assumes that you have a working knowledge of JSP.
More info at Amazon.com More info at Amazon.co.uk More info at FatBrain.com
[ February 15, 2002: Message edited by: Johannes de Jong ]