Author/s : Qusay H. Mahmoud
Publisher : O'Reilly
Category : Misc. Java
Review by : Matthew Phillips
Rating : 10 horseshoes</pre>
Learning Wireless
Java is a small book, but the author uses the pages well. The book doesn't waste time trying to teach basic java programming. It jumps right into the subject and doesn't look back.
The book is broken down into three sections. The first section introduces Java 2 Micro Edition. It gives you definitions of basic terms and by page 10 you are working on your first program. The rest of the section gives you the detail on CLDC and MIDP that you will need for the rest of the book.
Section two introduces you to programming with CLDC and MIDP. It starts with an introduction to the KToolbar and then each other chapter introduces you to another area of wireless programming with Java 2 Micro Edition.
Section 3 has a quick reference to the APIs included with CLDC and MIDP. Normally I am not a fan of including API in a book but I found myself referencing this one often.
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