Author/s : Greg Barish
Publisher : Addison Wesley Professional
Category : J2EE & Distributed Computing
Review by : Thomas Paul
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
This book takes an interesting approach to using
J2EE technology. Rather than concentrating on a single aspect (
servlets, JSPs, etc) or spending hundreds of pages explaining all technologies in detail, the author has chosen to lightly cover all the important aspects. In a sense, this book is an "executive summary" of J2EE. The readers who would probably get the most from this book are architects who need to understand J2EE but don’t need to write much code and developers who are unfamiliar with J2EE and need an introduction to the technologies. This is especially helpful to developers who have completed the
Java Programmer Certification but are unfamiliar with server-side development. There are two things that make this book unique and especially valuable to those new to server side development. First, the book covers the complete end-to-end solution. The author spends several chapters explaining the architecture of web applications. All the basics of server side development are discussed (
JSP, Servlets, EJBs, JMS,
JDBC) but the author also covers other important issues such as the HTTP protocol, web services, database design, and SQL. Second, the author explains which issues are likely to have an impact on the scalability and performance of your web applications. The entire book is under 400 pages and is very readable. Code samples are interspersed throughout the book to help explain the topics. If you are new to J2EE and are looking for a well written introduction then this book is very good choice.
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