Author/s : Joseph J. Bambara and Paul R. Allen
Publisher : SAMS
Category : J2EE & Distributed Computing
Review by : Thomas Paul
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
"J2EE Unleashed" covers the major aspects of the
Java 2 Enterprise Edition. The three main pieces (
servlets, JSPs, and EJBs) are each well covered with good examples. JNDI,
JDBC, JavaMail and JMS are each given a chapter and XML is also covered. The strength of the book, though, is its coverage of designing
J2EE architectures. For example, servlets are explained but then the authors go beyond the explanation to show how servlets fit into an overall J2EE architecture. Model 2 controller architecture is covered and Apache
Struts is discussed as an example of using servlets as controllers. According to the publisher, "The goal of this book is not to teach the J2EE specification but to illustrate the best practices for developing J2EE applications." In fact, it does both. The example application which is used throughout the book is well designed to cover all the pieces of J2EE. I do have two complaints about the book. First, it concentrates too much on the SilverStream Application Server getting down to the level of showing screen shots of deployment wizards. Second, the book could have used some editing to give it a better flow. J2EE architecture is explained before any of the pieces that make up the architecture are discussed. EJB session beans are used to demonstrate how to use JDBC, before EJBs are covered. Overall, however, the book is well done and can stand up against any of the books covering this complex topic
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