Author/s : Samuele Pedroni, Noel Rappin
Publisher : O'Reilly
Category : Other
Review by : Margarita Isayeva
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
You know what to expect from O'Reilly books and this one will not be too big a surprise. A well-written description of Jython language - a hybrid of Python and
Java. A slim book densly packed with information.
It is written by Jython developers, and this unique point of view is always interesting. The book is oriented for reader's with Java rather than Python background, and for those Python innocent readers there are chapters about it. Python is often described in comparison to Java, and such a comparison is by itself interesting. More practically oriented reader isn't forgotten: the authors use their intimate knowledge of the language, to warn about potential problems and suggest workarounds.
I would say that the book style is a little above the average computer books and the reading requires some intellectual efforts. Good knowledge of Java is also recommended.
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