Author/s : Jeese Liberty
Publisher : O'Reilly
Category : Other
Review by : Thomas Paul
Rating : 9 horseshoes</pre>
"Programming C#" is close to being the perfect introduction to C#. The author has a nice style of writing that makes the book easy to read and understand. Although the author assumes that you have some familiarity with programming, he does not assume that you know C++ or
Java and does not rely on you knowing either language. This helps avoid the problem some authors encounter of explaining how something is "just like in C++" and then losing anyone not familiar with C++. The author does show how to use VisualStudio.NET but he does not rely on this tool, allowing programmers without access to it to run the many examples in the book. Like most O'Reilly books, this is a well-focused and well-written product. The book is divided into three sections. The first is a detailed introduction to the language. The coverage of the C# language in this section is where the book excels. With very few exceptions (I would have liked to see a little more on nested classes) I found the coverage of the book and the examples provided to be excellent. The second section is a brief discussion of several topics including ADO.NET, ASP.NET, and Web Services. This section is just an introduction to these topics. The last section covers advanced topics such as reflection, threading, and remoting. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning the C# language even if that interest is purely academic.
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