Author/s : Ivan Kiselev
Publisher : Sams Publishing
Category : J2EE and Distributed Computing
Review by : Valentin Crettaz
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
This book presents Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) as a new programming trend that complements the traditional object-oriented approach by introducing a new kind of module called "aspect". The book does not provide any exhaustive tutorial on AOP, but it merely presents one approach to AOP using AspectJ (
http://aspectj.org). The book also requires the reader to have a solid understanding of
Java as well as a basic knowledge of
JDBC, JSP/Servlets and Custom Tags since the presented case study focuses on a web-based application.
The first part of the book gives a very brief introduction to AOP. For a first book on the subject, it would have been legitimate to expect a little more substance in this introductory part. The second part is dedicated to AspectJ and creates a real-world web application from scratch. The author clearly explains how to modularize crosscutting concerns such as security, logging, tracing, profiling, buffering, pooling, caching, etc, so well-presented. The third part presents the syntactic and semantics details of the AspectJ language constructs (aspects, pointcuts, etc) use of which is illustrated by simple examples. I would have expected the precision and completeness of the AspectJ Programming Guide coupled with those nice little examples.
The little details and a substantial amount of typos put aside, I was basically satisfied and would recommend it to any serious developer willing to get in touch with AOP. The AspectJ Programming Guide (available at aspectj.org) is also an excellent and necessary resource.
More info at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672324105/javaranch rel="nofollow"> More info at Amazon.co.uk