Author/s : Hans Bergsten
Publisher : Oreilly
Category : J2EE and Distributed Computing
Review by : Ajith Kallambella
Rating : 7 horseshoes </pre>
If you have read the first edition of this book, you will notice the difference.
More examples, lots of information of what has changed since then including
JSP 1.2 spec changes and how the new technologies like XML and JSTL from Sun has
changed the way programmers work with JSP.
The book offers more than a quick JSP tutorial. The readers will be introduced
to "buddy"
Java technologies like
JDBC and of course plain Java
All the examples have been tried on Apache
Tomcat. The author also talks about
web architecture and realizing the MVC
pattern using JSPs. Naturally, you will
find jars and jars full of beans and custom tags.
Speaking of custom tags, the readers should expect to get lost wandering through
a plethora "ora" tags written by the author himself. It will make one wonder if
they just bought a custom tag book wrongly titled as a JSP guide!. The author
heavily relies on his own "ora" custom tag library to explain plain and standard
concepts such as JDBC instead of teaching the readers to write code from scratch
using Sun s JSP.
To summarize, this is a nice JSP book for beginners. But if you already know
JSPs and have been working with them for a while, be ready for a
<jsp:world-full-of-custom-tag> perspective, and take things with a pinch of
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