Author/s : Robert C. Martin with contributions by James W. Newkirk and Robert S. Koss
Publisher : Prentice Hall
Category : Project management, Process and Best Practices
Review by : John Wetherbie
Rating : 9 horseshoes </pre>
Agile Software Development is a great Object-Oriented Design book that presents it's subject in the context of Agile Development. The book delivers solid design and programming advice in a very "light" style. Not light in that it avoids technical detail! No, Bob seems to have taken the principles of agile development and applied them to the art of technical book writing.
The book is divided into six sections and has four appendices. There are many UML diagrams and lots of code examples in C++ and
Java. If you don't know UML two of the appendices will introduce you to it. The book takes a top down approach. You are first given a quick overview of agile development practices. I particularly liked the
Testing and A Programming Episode chapters from this section. The second section presents five high-level design principles that every developer should learn and apply.
Case studies dealing with a payroll system, weather station software, and testing software are then presented. Each case study section starts by discussing the design
patterns that will seen in the case study. Section Four discusses subdividing the payroll system into packages. Six principles and a set of package Dependency Management metrics are covered. The book wraps up with the two UML appendices mentioned above, a comparison of two imaginary developments, and an interesting article by Jack Reeves.
In my opinion Agile Software Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices is the best OOD book out there.
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