Author/s : Steve Steffen, Malcolm Garland, et al
Publisher : Sams
Category : J2EE
Review by : Paul Stevens
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
The books goal is stated to be a comprehensive BEA Weblogic Server book. It meets that goal. The book is over 1300 pages. Each chapter is relatively short and concise but cover the intended topic well.
The book covers all aspects of
J2EE development as related to Weblogic. It covers both the development and server maintenance aspects of Weblogic development.
The authors do a good job of covering a topic without over covering them. Most chapters are either stand alone so readers can go to topics of interest to them or grouped with like chapters to get full coverage.
The book contains many screen shots and code snippets to highlight a topic. Complete examples are contained on the accompanying CD.
In all a well written and organized book.
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