Author/s : Peter Den Haan, Lance Lavandowska,
Sathya Narayana Panduranga, Krishnaraj Perrumal
Publisher : Apress
Category : Servlets, JSP and Tag Libraries
Review by : Dirk Schreckmann
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
JSP 2?" Yeah, right. Try: "Beginning JSP 2, HTML,
Java, JSTL, XML, XSLT, XML DTDs, XML Schemas,
Servlets, Filters, with some MVC (Model 2) and
Struts thrown in for Good Measure". While my recommended title is a bit too long to be practical as a book title, it would better capture the materials covered from an introductory level, in "Beginning JSP 2".
In about 360 pages, through 10 chapters, this book covers the technologies listed above, describing what they are, what they do, why folks are using them, how to use them, and how they relate and work with other technologies. Following these action packed chapters, the appendixes serve as great quick references on JSP syntax, implicit JSP objects, and various XML configuration files.
To nitpick a bit: The book could benefit from some more aggressive editing, in parts, where sentence and paragraph wording is occasionally a little clumsy, and a few good-to-understand details were left out.
The description on the back cover of the book says, "All you need... is a basic understanding of HTML and Java." I suggest this be corrected as follows: "All you need to know in order to follow and understand the lessons in 'Beginning JSP 2' is enough HTML to create a 'Hello World!' web page, and enough Java to create a 'Hello World!' application." On second thought, even if you can't do those things, yet, after reading this book, you'll be able to do a whole lot more.
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