Author/s : Vincent Massol, Timothy M. O'Brien
Publisher : O'Reilly
Category : Miscellaneous Java
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 7 horseshoes</pre>
"Maven - A Developer's Notebook" is good for covering the surface of how to do a build in
Maven. There is great explanation on the installation of Maven and building
Java projects. Coverage of reporting and writing plugins was also good.
Coverage of building WARs was fair. It would have been nice to see a
JSP or resource files in the example, rather than just code. Noticeably absent was how to build an
EJB project and an EAR. And while the book demonstrates connecting to CVS/Subversion, it could use an example on checking out code.
The book assumes some knowledge of the build process in Java, but not too much. Specifically, it is not necessary to know Ant. For those who do use Ant, common pitfalls are mentioned (without saying they are from Ant.)
In developer's notebook style, the book reads quickly and goes through a series of labs. The authors are good about explaining what things mean and going through the build output. The list of Maven plugins is very useful in finding out what exists.
The book is well thought out, clear and excellent for what it covers. However, I think they tried to cover too much in too little room and wound up having to leave out some key areas. If you were only creating jars or WARs by yourself, I would give this book a 9. But for J2EE and teams, it gets a 7 because it needs the documentation to supplement.
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