Originally posted by Sasi Kanth:
What this covers most?
Is Ajax technology is same for java ,.net and the remaining server side languages.
Ajax does not matter what the server side code is. That is one reason why it is so popular since you have everyone from ColdFusion, Java, C#, VB.NET, and PHP guys all using this methodolgy. Ajax is nothing more than a term for a way we transfer data to the server utilizing JavaScript.
When you look at the projects in this book, you will see that the server side code is not very involved (we designed it this way), it performs basic actions that anyone from any language can follow. A lot of times we are returning a dynamic xml file or a simple
string. The explainations are easy to follow and it will give you a great background on how to implement Ajax. Over on the sandbox on manning for the book (
http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=179 ), I see people posting responses saying that one person says the double combo running in php and another has it in Java, and another has it in cold fusion. Just that alone makes me see the power that Ajax has that the same client side code does not care what is behind the brains of the data gathering.
Plus another bonus with getting the book is you have one of the authors (ME) here on the JavaRanch sitting in the HTML and JavaScript forum willing to help. Plus if you click on that link above to Manning's site, you can ask questions to bothh Dave and I.
Ajax seems scary to a lot of people, but Dave and I put a lot of time in the book to eliminate this fear and make it as easy as possible to get an Ajax component running on your web site.
I also just wrote an article for the Ranch for this month's January Newsletter. You can check it out here:
http://www.javaranch.com/journal/200601/Journal200601bookSearch.jsp?isbn=a2 I would say goto the books website on mannings page right here:
http://www.manning.com/books/crane/chapters and look at the two sample chapters posted. The article covers just the basics, if you want to know more pick up the book and you will never look at web applications the same way again!