Author/s : Nathaniel T. Schutta, Ryan Asleson
Publisher : Apress
Category : Web design, HTML and JavaScript
Review by : Balaji D Loganathan
Rating : 8 horseshoes</pre>
The authors have taken good efforts to neatly introduce, analyses and compare various javascript tools specifically meant for AJAX.
The flow of the book is well managed and its very reader friendly.
This book is definitely a one stop reference for knowing what development tools, editors, libraries available for supporting AJAX in
Java web applications.
Comes with 50MB examples source code. The source code has been configured to easily deploy and
test using
This book mostly addresses the freely available AJAX tools.
Few drawbacks I found:
A lot of pages have been spent on describing and comparing between java frameworks, the authors could have avoided it since this book about using AJAX in java framework.
The code listings in the chapters (like html, javascript,
jsp) were not well formatted, so it very difficult to read.
The authors gives more preference to
JSF framework which is again not the context of the book.
That's it.
Since the book is published recently(July06), this book covers many latest AJAX and JAVA Framework products, so its saves your time on finding a right tool for your AJAX based websites.
I don't want to write again the table of contents of this book but want to mention that you will sure learn all the bit and pieces that you need have for setting up a AJAX based java web applications.
More info at Amazon.com More info at Amazon.co.uk [ October 28, 2006: Message edited by: Book Review Team ]