Author/s : Cedric Beust, Hani Suleiman
Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional
Category : Miscellaneous Java
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 7 horseshoes</pre>
"Next Generation
Java Testing" has a subtitle: "TestNG and Advanced Concepts." This isn't surprising given the creator of
TestNG is an author, but is important to realize. It starts with 6.5 pages on why TestNG is better than
JUnit 3.8. Then only two paragraphs on JUnit 4. This has been a pet peeve of mine for some time. It's like comparing the current version of C# to Java 1.3 and then saying Java is worse because it doesn't have generics.
I liked the code snippets in the TestNG sections as they focused on relevant pieces. The examples were to the point. Especially the performance and
J2EE sections. I liked the concepts described in chapter 2 (over 100 pages.)
The authors describe open source libraries that integrate with TestNG. I liked this coverage although JMock could have used a code example for comparison (easyMock had one.)
Ant targets were provided for the code coverage examples.
Chapter seven is titled "digressions." Some quotes from the text on this: "pet peeves, rants, annoyances and musings", "much ... very tangentially relevant", "some ... outright irrelevant." I agree with some and disagree with some. I think this chapter would have been better as a series of blog posts than a chapter in a book.
If you are using/planning to use TestNG and can ignore the rants, this is a good book.
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