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HFO Cover Model Entries

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Submit your contest entries (essays and poems) in this thread!

For contest details (and model choices), click HERE!
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Go for F: Green, because I really like to work with women, and we have too few of them in the team. F obviously knows how to combine fun with expertise - I love her astute smile (although the term "sly old dog" somehow sounds inept...). B seems to be more into dancing, and we all know what music at the workplace does to creativity (you've read your "Peopleware", haven't you?)...
[ January 15, 2006: Message edited by: Ilja Preuss ]
Ilja Preuss
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A: Brown is the only possible choice! (Yes, I'm contradicting myself here. So what?)

The girls just make me think about coupling instead of decoupling - unacceptable for an OO book. And all the other guys, well, they are just smiling at me, as if they either don't know what they are doing and rely on me to make all the tough decisions; or they just had a brilliant design idea, but aren't going to tell me, just to see me struggle a little bit longer. That really upsets me!

A, on the other hand, just laid out his design proposal as CRC cards on the floor (why else would someone squat?) and invites me to discuss and refine it. He exudes confidence, openness and comradeship. Who wouldn't want to have him on the team?
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OK, Round 1 (the early cuts)

A: Brown -1
He's squatting.
Looks like someone reached over the stall with a camera.
Worse, it looks like he didn't mind.

B: Pink -1
Too "Pinup-ish"
Both arms over the head, body twisted into an 'S' curve and
feet spread apart while wearing a skirt. Great shot but too
suggestive for a Java book.
Just what are we objectifying here?

C: Plaid +1
Move on to round 2

D: White -1
Not a real good picture.
The wide lens seems to have elongated his head.
It also doesn't help that it's shown smaller than the others.
The worst part is that his smile looks forced and unsure.
Not good qualities for a Java book.

F: Green +1
Move to Round 2

G: Gray -1
Maybe for web design. Certainly not for OOP.
Looks like he just strolled in from a Phish concert.
The pose is too square too.
That, combined with the evil grin is too off-putting.
If a book with that picture on the cover lived on my desk, I
would certainly keep it face down.


Round 2

E: Blue -1
Shows confidence but not geeky enough.
Like with G: Gray, the superfluous ornaments (rings,
and chain) make the person look a little too wrapped up in himself.

Tough fight between C and F.

C: Plaid looks like he just overcame a large hurdle.
Happy but tired from the battle.
Maybe he crammed all night before the test and is now
confident that he did well.
Not a bad look for a developer.
Maybe too tired though.
Teachers shouldn't be struggling with the concepts.
If you're going to personify the book with a cover like this
the person should be well past the 'cramming for tests' phase of
their life.


In the end, F:Green wins.
Attractive (face it, the target audience is overwhelmingly male), but not in an overly suggestive way. Smart looking and confident but not
conceited or aloof. The kind of person I would be happy to go to for help with OOP.

Actually, F was the winner from the beginning. The rest of my time was spent figuring out what I didn't like about the others.
Probably a better reason for choosing F as the cover of a book.
We are talking "first impressions" here, right?
[ January 15, 2006: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
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Without further adieu and to stay on the subject
I find B. Pink to be a likely Object
I know it seems biased and just my opinion
But just goes to show
I have great taste in Object models
John Zakrzewski
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Another entry and this ones for Green
Who's studious nature can surely be seen
The code in her head would make the Kernigan & Ritchie scream
Cuz she's a mean, lean, Java machine
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Why does HF model �G:Gray� beat out any of the other models? Hmmm, from a man�s point of view models B:Pink and F:Green are certainly attractive and might assist in books sales. Models A:Brown, E:Blue and D:White have their own confident air and have an attractive pull towards the female gender. (Sorry C:Plaid�dead last in my book. Stick you with a fork, you�re done). But back to the original question, what makes G:Gray the obvious choice? He represents the �essence� of Object, which is helpful being that is the subject of the book. From a high level view upon first glance we see someone who is �far out�. For the much of the intended audience the concept of Objects is �far out�. What else do we see? Well, Mr. G is clean-cut, has short wash and go hair, a simple yet non-wrinkled T-shirt that can be worn again and again and the necklace indicating there is more here than meets the eye. Here again soooo many parallels to Objects�.clean, simple, mobile, re-useable and but a lot under the covers.

Lastly, how can Mr. G�s expression be any better?? I love that happy, looking over the top of the glasses sort-of �Hey, we�re going to knock your socks off today!� attitude. He is exuding the feeling of we�re going to rock your world and have fun while we�re at it. So sit back, buckle in and open up your brain while Mr. G is your personal guide on the Object-land Express.

[ January 16, 2006: Message edited by: Dan Behrens ]

[ January 16, 2006: Message edited by: Dan Behrens ]
[ January 16, 2006: Message edited by: Dan Behrens ]
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Top three: C,F,G

First off they are the only three that have the play on perspective that is common on the other covers. If you are thinking of Headfirst book you want to big head on the cover.

C gets the bronze. Why? Because he looks more puzzeled than thinking I am trust him to teach me about objects.

F gets the silver. Why? First off she reminds me of my Ex so there is a total biased cute factor there. As much as I would like to see the cutie on the cover there was just one of HF Design Patterns. Besides I want to learn something not take her to dinner.

G wins by a nose. The geeky edge is there because you can tell he has spent hours watching Star Trek but is now trying to be cool. We all knows those guys who try to hard to be hip but never pull it off. If I want to learn something I don't go to the ubernerd because all I get is technobabble purposely trying to talk over my to make himself seem smart. Instead I would talk to the gray dude because there is no question he is a geek but he has spent enough time trying to be cool that he can explain the topic without feeling a need to four syllable as often as possible.

So sorry cutie(F) but I want to get my information without thinking about trying to get into your pants. When it comes to technical concepts I would rather get my information from a geeky than a date.
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No one else, except Miss Pinky (B)! Doesn't she reminds you what you just did after slogging so many hours at work? Not forgetting how a dull, boring, thick concept book just bored the hell out of you?

Wouldn't it be so nice to stand & stretch those muscles/fats a bit & smile to yourself, thinking, "Hey, while those guys out there are working their asses out, I'd a head start, so let me chill out a while before kicking some butts! (watch out for those boots of hers especially the killer heels!)". Of course, the cold hard facts are, we're probably stretching after numerous hours of combating that elusive bug. But all the more makes it nicer to have a babe with a sweet smile on the same team (yes, I'm a guy).

With a fair mix of sexes on your team, a more complete picture (of the project) is usually seen. Don't forget, most of the time, our end-users are women (ok, perhaps for the stuffs that I'd been working on).

Now, if I haven't managed to convince/bore you, take a look at her again, those bright eyes will do the job.
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I wanted someone who would be a typical representative of mine on the cover. Period. As a result, I had to elliminate women. ( I am not a male chauvinist, mind you!)
Out of the remaining five men, my choice was pretty straightforward.
I had to choose c laid for the simple reason that others had barely any hair on their heads.
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B because the book's cover would look good and if the cover looks good people would buy it.
Pradeep bhatt
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choice A gives me an impression is that the book is serious about teaching people about Objects (I dont know what HFO is all about ). All other choices look funny and are not serious enough for learning about objects.
[ January 17, 2006: Message edited by: Pradip Bhat ]
Pradeep bhatt
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'G' because after reading the HFO book he has become expert in Java objects and looks relaxed, confident and cool (He wears cool glass) with a great smile. So if anyone wants to become like him buy the book.
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Because u guys haven't put a single indian or chinese guy in any of the covers before. What is happening with diversity in the work or book-shelf place???
Bob Law
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Kishore has a point
Dave Wood
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Originally posted by Kishore Dandu:
Because u guys haven't put a single indian or chinese guy in any of the covers before. What is happening with diversity in the work or book-shelf place???

Very true. Of course, there also haven't been any African-American (or African of any nationality, for that matter) models on the cover either (though there are some choices in this contest). I can't speak for O'Reilly on this, but I will say that we/they are somewhat constrained by the images available in the style that we're using for these covers. I've look at most of the available images and I don't recall seeing a whole lot of diversity.

Ultimately, it comes down to trying to figure out what cover will sell the most books...I don't think you can expect the publisher to have anything other than this as their top priority. I won't pretend to have any clue how to figure this out! (and I'm definitely not saying that a non-white-person cover would go against this goal!) The covers used on the HF books so far seem to have done quite well...but who knows -- arguably that had nothing (or very little) to do with the cover at all.

Anyway, I just wanted to take a minute to address this post. I didn't personally put together this selection of models, so I can't say much more than what I've said.

Thanks to those who have entered so far. I'm looking forward to reading all of the submissions!

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First was a guy called brown
His face looks like it will frown
Although he's OK
I would have to say
He is stooping too far down

Next up is a lady called pink
Her figure won't let me blink
The problem right there
Is she doesn't care
About objects more than her slink

Next up a chap called plaid
Of objects he isn't afraid
But with his evil grin
It is kind of akin
To hiding what should be said

Next up a cool guy called white
He looks casual and happy and bright
The problem with he
Is he is too J2EE
And is probably coupled too tight

The blue guy looks really good
Just like a developer should
With his casual clothing
And bling with his ring
He looks too chilled out to be good

Skip green on to gray
Not right by a long way
More a decorator pattern
With hidden implementation
Better for HFDP all day

Now to the best of the bunch
A covergirl to look at at lunch
She looks smart and fun
And she's the prettiest one
A bestseller I have a good hunch
Kishore Dandu
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I had to go with G.

He is obvious.
He is not obtrusive.
He is non-atomic.
He is a object but is a super-class for many(in Java)
He is cool because, I wrote first poem in my life towards him.
Ilja Preuss
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Rick, great poem!

No matter how the HF folks decide - to me you are a winner!
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...for this poem/rap, switch on the beatmachine...

Mr. Wood
wrote a book
that paid back the time he took

he put things down
in such a way
you'll forge ahead, you king and lay

he put things down
and with no frown
it's a jewel in the Head First crown

let's sex it up
and add more spice
even closed it will look nice

so there's a crown
but where's the queen?
clap your hands for Mrs. Green

and now
throw your hands in the air
and wave 'em like ya just don't care

[ January 23, 2006: Message edited by: Gian Franco Casula ]
Rick Beaver
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Originally posted by Ilja Preuss:
Rick, great poem!

No matter how the HF folks decide - to me you are a winner!

Thankyou I had fun.

The HF series is simply the best technical education book series in existence - I only wish I could deliver content in a such an effective and fun manner. Most technical books are more an exercise in concentration and boredom control than in learning - HF makes it fun to learn.

Really looking forward to Objects.
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I vote for F. She looks the most natural and less "product". She smiles if you want, but is sceptical and has a mind of her own. She could be a great companion throughout the book, asking all those questions that matter about this OO hocus pocus.
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Sung to the tune of Stacy's Mom (with apologies to Fountains of Wayne) ...

"Pink�s the One"

Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on
Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on
Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on
Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on

Pink, can I look over �Head First Objects?�
I could use some help with these projects
Did your boss get back from her business trip?
It�s Friday, today�s the day my code needs to ship

You know, it�s time we took that trip to Objectville
Polymorphism still gives me a thrill

Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on
Her UML�s cool and I�ve waited for so long
Pink, can�t you see you�re the cover girl for me
I know it might be wrong but I just know that Pink�s the one

Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on
Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on

Pink, do you remember our refactoring?
Your patterns rock, you rule at mentoring
I could tell you liked me when you read my use case
And the way you said, �I sure like your interface�

And I know you�ve never seen my abstract factory
But since your intern quit, your team could use a guy like me

Pink�s the one, she�s got it goin' on
Her UML�s cool and I�ve waited for so long
Pink, can�t you see you�re the cover girl for me
I know it might be wrong,
but I just know that Pink�s the one

[ January 29, 2006: Message edited by: Bill Mietelski ]
[ January 29, 2006: Message edited by: Bill Mietelski ]
Ilja Preuss
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Bill, cool song, wrong choice...
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I'm voting for E: Blue.

Looks smart... but not *too* smart. Intelligent, but not an absolute nerd. I want to learn from someone that is knowledgeable, but not someone that knows EVERYTHING there is to know about Java, OOP, and Star Wars.

Looks friendly and approachable.

Looks like he would take his students (assuming he was teaching a 5-day class) out for beers and Buffalo wings on Friday afternoon.

Why not...

A: Brown -- too serious (I want to learn, but also have some fun)
B: Pink -- too flirtatious (but can I have her phone number?)
C: Plaid -- looks slightly clueless (like he should be learning, not teaching)
D: White -- too "innocent" looking (belongs in a sitcom)
F: Green -- too cute (hard to believe that's bad, isn't it?)
G: Gray -- too "out there" (looks like a hippy from the 60s)

Yikes! Out of coffee!! Gotta run!!!
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I choose " C " (Plaid), just for the reason that
" There is something special, different in this book, compared to other books " . His naughty smile,expression says the above said sentence.

A phrase on option - C ( Plaid)
P - Powerfull Objects
L - Laughter Objects
A - Actual Objects
I - Intelligent Objects
D - Dreaming Objects

" C Wins as Head First Objects Wins "

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Hi Head First people - here's why I chose B.

I'm looking through the posts here and a lot of people say "I think I could learn from this person because . . ." Well - maybe, but probably not. I think these people are models, not computer instructors.

Anyway - look at the covers of Head First Servlets & JSPs and Head First Design Patterns. Both have attractive girls on the cover. Though they are both great books, I bet that they sold more copies than they normally would have by putting attractive girls on the cover.

Girl F in Green is cute but in my humble opinion B takes the cake, and the cover.

Side note - I own the servlets book. The guy in the next cube over regularily covets the book and comments on what a great book it is (based on the cover). Then we get talking about it and we bring the "Design Patterns" book up on the 'net to look at the cover and compare the two.

B would bring some serious competition for the best Head First book cover.
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Definitely F.

Nice Smile.

She would stop my bookshelf from going into nerdy meltdown and I wouldn't have to hide it inside a copy of Playboy on the train, as I do with the GOF book!!!

Or as a second choice, how about all of them a la WROX books, but they wouldn't look like a gang of Axe murderers see WROX NETWORKING!!!

[ January 19, 2006: Message edited by: Graham VMead ]
[ January 19, 2006: Message edited by: Graham VMead ]
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I think the best is the Green one.
Because she looks like a young pretty programmer and I think she'd have a good marketing effect, expecially on young students and programmers.
Hers expression is not too serious, and it's professional and funny at the same time. She'd be a good colleague
I think she is perfect for this book.

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I would vote for G as it will look good on this GUI based book.
He would bring some light moments to this very difficult subject.
Bill Mietelski
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Originally posted by Ilja Preuss:
Bill, cool song, wrong choice...

What can I say? None of the others inspired my muse.

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Assume for the moment that I am unfamiliar with the Head First series of Java books. Assume for the moment that I have had an extremely boring time trying to slosh through mountains of boring writing while trying to learn Java. But I repeat myself.*

There are a horde of Java books out there, and if you want to sell me your product it must really jump out at me when I glance at the shelf. Once I pick up a 'Head First' book and start reading, I think a sale is almost guaranteed.

With that in mind, I'd have to go with F (Green). It's an attractive girl, which will always seize my attention. But unlike B (Pink), she's not wearing black leather boots with platform heels and offering an overly flirtatious glance. I think using B's boots and pose would make it harder to take the book seriously. Or in other words, you want to use sex appeal to help the sale without being too obvious that you're using sex appeal.

However, this only helps the sale when your potential buyer is attracted to caucasian women. So I recommend using two pictures, F and maybe D (White). This way your cover might catch the attention of people attracted to men or women and it includes at least one minority. You can also fit cover text better. Maybe the upper right quadrant of the front cover has picture F, the upper left has text, the lower left has picture D, and the lower right has text.

Either way, good luck!

* Idea blatantly stolen from Mark Twain.
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Originally posted by Dave Wood:
Submit your contest entries (essays and poems) in this thread!

For contest details (and model choices), click HERE!

I think the model should be the G model, as he looks the most like a real JAVA programmer. Like someone that is spaced out 90% of the time on doing programming till you drop !! I can identify with this concept.

My self I don't know my RAMS for my ROMS in the JAVA world ! I am new to all this and I am converting from a 30 year plus mainframe programmer to a JAVA developer as my company is making a grand conversion. My previous job has been out source to India and the kids they have doing it are having a wonderfuly hard time accomplishing the task. We are helping when and where we can but, with limited time it goes slowly.

All the other models look like regular people or models. Whereas model G looks like a programmer ! I will admit as green is my faviorte color I might have been swayed a little, but, you must admit that when one looks for a book on JAVA or general programming one wants to see someone that might have a cule as to where your going. It takes one but a glance to see the G model canidate is the choise ! He is sort of Geekie but, not totaly.
One must admit most of the book buying public are not going to be confortable with someone on the cover that looks like they never pulled an all night session trying to get a computer program to work in their life !

My vote is for model G and in Geek !

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It should be B:

Programming was hard I used to Think
Then "Head First" did I Sink
Now my skills are in the Pink
[ January 19, 2006: Message edited by: Carl Trusiak ]
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G should be the model for the cover. The reason is that the sunglass the model is wearing exudes <<confident and intelligent>> like an invitation to a sunny beach party. So it must be easy and fun and not a dentist's drill chair.
BK Lau
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G should be the model for the cover. The reason is that the sunglass the model is wearing exudes confident and intelligent like an invitation to a sunny beach party. So it must be easy and fun and not a dentist's drill chair.
BK Lau
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Model E could also be the model cover as the model is posed in the classic CEO/CIO pose of "crossing arms". This coveys "taking control". I also think having a African American is a good change.
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Women aren't objects as everyone knows
but they inherit behaviour like borrowing your clothes
they're stately, adaptable, what's more, when you think
they encapsulate the very quintessense of pink.
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It can't possibly be Pink - the series is called "Head First", not "Arms First", isn't it?
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A New Idea...

I know the guides say to pick one
But this exercise is way too much fun
The way I see it
We couldn't beat it
If we picked two
It would be like memory glue
I think the lady in pink
She will add to the link
And the guy in plaid
Together they're kinda rad
PI day is 3.14 (march 14th) and is also einstein's birthday. And this is merely a tiny ad:
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater
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