[email protected] Objective:
My aim is to pursue a Challenging career in a Progressive Company.
�Two and half years of rich experience in Design, Development & Testing of Client Server Applications and Web Based Applications using Java, AWT, servlets,JavaServerPages,JavaBeans,Swing,JavaScript,HTML,XML, XSLT,SQL .
�Extensively worked on WeblogicServer4.1.5 (EJB) for Over 1 year
�Sun Certified Java Programmer.
Educational Qualifications:
Completed Bachelor of Technology in Engineering from
Regional Engineering College-Warangal in April �1998.
Technical Skills:
Languages:Cobol, C++ and Java 2.0
Operating Systems:MS-DOS, WINDOWS NT
RDBMS: SQL Server 7.0
Technologies and Tools:JDBC, Java Servlets, Java Server Pages,
Java Beans, HTML, Java Script, XML
Work Experience:
Location Syntel India Ltd, Mumbai
Role Programmer/Analyst
Duration SEP-99 TO SEP-00
Description The project aims to provide Kemper Insurance Agents a flexible and easily accessible application (using Internet) to make quick quotes based on Customer supplied and third party data.
This is a two-phase project. In the first phase generating user-screens de-construction reports as well as extracting business rules from the code from four different Existing applications. The extracted business rules are then converted to Use-Cases and visually modeled in
Rose 98I. In the second phase of the project, the re-development of these applications was done.
Application uses Java as the primary programming language. It uses BEA WebLogic Application Server on Windows NT. The architecture is loosely based on Model-View-Controller architecture.
The technology used includes:
The standard browsers available (IE and Netscape)
The BEA WebLogic Application Server
The Java Servlets (as controller)
Java Beans (for controlling flow and processing logic)
The Java Server Pages (for presentation)
�Re-engineering Methodology for AUTO and Gateway application.
�Converting business rules into Use cases.
�Designed XML Structures for Internal Application Communication and lead the effort in designing and developing the External XML Interface for the application using Sun's Validating SAX XML parser.
�Used XSLT for changing XML structures for External Interfacing and also for displaying XML in Browsers.
�Development of Java Server Pages for the Web Interface.
�Written Business Logic Beans for Smart Quotes System which retrieves Quotes for a user using Proprietary algorithms.
�Used Servlets for Managing Session Data.
�Used JavaScript for Front End Screens Input Handling.
�Other responsibilities include Unit Testing, Communication with On-site and Quality Assurance
Project # 2 Transcor Travels
Location Syntel India Ltd, Mumbai
Role Programmer/Analyst
Duration JAN-99 TO AUG-99
Description: Transcor Travels is one of the leading travel agencies in USA. This application deals with Toll Collection Systems .The new system is developed using JAVA 1.1.6 .The middle tier is supported on BEA WebLogic Application Server 1.x .The database is MS SQL SERVER 7.x.
�Involved in Business rules extraction from the Legacy applications and Documentation.
�Written Java Beans for implementing business rules depending upon the type of payment the traffic chooses (monthly, yearly etc) and the location dependencies of the toll stations.
�Used Java Servlets / JSP�s for Providing the Web Interface for the Application.
�Used AWT/Swing for Creating BackOffice Management Module.
�Writing Transaction Programs, Report Programs.
�Written Stored Procedures Used by Transaction Programs as well as Report Programs.
�Transaction programs run one or more than one transaction, updating more than one table using Stored Procedures and Triggers
�Report Programs are for generating various Reports for Traffic Management Analysis.
�Implementation and Production Support Three weeks� production support is also part of the project.
Project #3 Course Management System for Reliance Training Center.
Location Syntel India Ltd, Mumbai
Role Programmer/Analyst
Duration MAY-98 TO DEC-98
Description: Reliance Industries Ltd. is the largest Private Sector Company in India, which consists of 15,000 employees. This project aims at developing a consistent and simple Front-End for accessing the course related database & creating and maintaining an integrated database of employees attending various training programs.
�Preparing design specifications & project documentation.
�Designed the application using ERWIN development tool.
�Designed GUI (User Interface) Using Swing 1.x.
�Used Java Beans for handling the middle tier for evaluating the Employees track record in training and updates it in the HR Departments Database.
�Involved in Database schema designing which includes normalizing as well as denormalizing the Database.
�Created Stored Procedures and triggers for managing different entities in the application in SQL Server 7.0.
�Was also involved in testing and debugging the application.