i agree with john weitherbie. Good oops books are very hard to come by . He has given very nice list of very good oops books.
Basically , books written by smalltalk programmers like ward cunningham , kent beck ( xp fame ) are very good books. Since , smalltalk is considered as the purest oops language & most of the features of java are coming from smalltalk ( mvc paatern , first pattern given in gang of four book is from smallalk only.)
nobody has spoken about the crc
cards. they are one of the best techniques to learn oops.
once again , epic book on this subject is by Kent Beck & Ward Cunnigham ( using crc crads ) . some intorduction is given in martin fowler's UML Distilled regarding crc
Another smalltalk guru , Timothy Budd has written very good book on oops. one who doesn't know anything about oops , can start with thuis book.
afterwards , one on the best books on oops , which i think is not mentioed in this discussion forum is by Miller Page-jones.
this is a must read for oops lovers.
I tend to disagree with Preeti Agrawal regarding book of Jacbson. Nodoubt it is the best starting book for use case analysis. but , it is not oops book. it is software engg. book with oops flavour in it. The book is written in 1993( i think so. if it is wrong ,please correct me.) now ,after 7 yrs. lot of changes have taken place in this area. i t slightly outdated. Mr. Jackbsons's new book considering business modelling into a/c is very good book.
Refactoring by marin fowler shall not be considred as oops book. Refactoring is a new methodology , whose purpose is to improve on the existing code , which is already constrcuted.
once , you are having thoroug knowledge of oops then you will be in a position to apply the things mentioed in the book. basically , he has treated java in greater detail in this book.
but, there are books on smalltalk refactoring , from where mkartin fowler has taken the inspiration. People have developed the smalltalk browsers to refactor the code. somebody should do it for java.
Books mentioned by Steve Fahlbusch are excellent ones.
OO Analysis - Coad, Yourden
OO Design - Coad, Yourden
OO Programming - Coad, Nicola
Steve can you please tell me from where you got these books. In, india they are very difficult to get. can u tell me some resource. I desparately need those books. ED Yourdon is one of the best oops authors. His book on Structured Programming Written way back in 1978 is one of the best resources.
another good book is
Object Technology: A Manager's Guide
by David A. Taylor
Since , we are discussing about oops books , the design pattern books , refactoring books shall not be discussed as they are advanced topics , which can be touched upon if u have solid knoledge of oops.