Hi All!
I am taking IBM 486 exam this week!
I have just given the Mock Exam!
can ne body tell me which one of my answer is wrong ?
I am sorry this post may take a lot of ur time but plz do tell me the reason for
the answer which I have answered wrong!
Thanks in advance
Muhammad Asif Abbasi
Any suggestions are welcome on how to work in this last week!
Designs & Implementation Techniques 4 3 75.0
Requirements Modeling 5 5 100.0
Static Modeling 7 7 100.0
Development Process 3 3 100.0
Dynamic Modeling 7 7 100.0
Architecture 4 4 100.0
# Questions: 30 Passing Score: 70.0
Number Correct Needed: 21 Your Score: 96.0
You Answered Correct: 29 Grade: Pass
Which of the following are good practices to use while designing for reuse?
a) Define a persistence framework that provides services for persisting objects.
b) Use design
patterns, wherein complete solutions are already defined.
* c) Use controller objects to control the flow of processes in the system.
* d) Assign responsibilities to classes such that coupling between them remains low.
e) Design classes with low cohesion.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
A partial class diagram of a college course management application is shown in Figure studentInstructor. A student knows all of the instructors he is registered with. Similarly, an instructor also knows all the students who are registered with him. A new requirement is added which specifies that an instructor can also be a student for some courses. What is the BEST partial application redesign shown in the Figure?
a) Design 'A'
b) Design 'B'
* c) Design 'C'
d) Design 'D'
e) Design 'E'
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Which of the following are true about implementing a system based on existing OOAD assets?
a) Due to constraints introduced by the target language, such as C++, Smalltalk, or
Java, as well as physical packaging, the OO analysis model does not carry forward into detailed design and implementation.
* b) The classes, methods, attributes, and relationships identified during the OO analysis carry forward into detailed design and implementation.
* c) The OO analysis model is usually refactored later in the project.
* d) The classes from the OO analysis are expanded to add private methods and collaborations with helper classes.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
True or false? When declaring a public method due to an additional message between classes as part of some system functionality, the OOAD UML assets should be updated to reflect this change.
*a) True
b) False
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Based on the activity diagram in Figure Activity, which activities can occur concurrently?
* a) Generate closing paperwork, Schedule closing
* b) Get property appraised, Verify assets, Check credit rating
c) All the activities can occur concurrently
d) The custom
servlet name, is used as part of the URL used to invoke it.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
Which of the following are true about interaction diagrams?
* a) Interaction diagrams are at their best when they deal with one main design flow and not multiple variants that can happen.
* b) Interaction diagrams are good at designing part or all of one use case's functionality across multiple objects.
* c) Interaction diagrams allow the analyst to show iteration and conditional execution for messaging between objects.
* d) Sequence diagrams are logically equivalent to collaboration diagrams, differing primarily in format of presentation.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 4 correct choices).
In an OO system, it is desirable to assign responsibilities:
*a) relatively evenly across the classes.
b) more heavily in a few controlling classes.
*c) according to interaction diagram messaging.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
Which of the following is the BEST description of the sequence diagram in Figure Interaction? When an instance of a:
* a) Person is asked for its assets, it sums the balances of each of its asset Accounts.
b) Customer is asked for its assets, it sums the balances of each of its asset Accounts.
c) Person is asked for its assets, it returns the balance of its asset Account.
d) Customer is asked for its assets, it returns the balance of its asset Account.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Which of the following are true about the strengths and weaknesses of activity diagrams?
a) Activity diagrams are good at enumerating object collaborations to accomplish a task.
* b) Activity diagrams are good at exploring the interactions related to one or more use cases.
*c) It is difficult to discern exactly how to map the activity diagram actions to object model specifics.
*d) Since activity diagrams allow parallel behavior modeling, they are good for workflow modeling.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
A non-object oriented legacy application which interacts with back end systems exists. It is now required to redesign this application into an object oriented system, that caters to high volume of requests. Which of the following need to be considered while modeling the system?
*a) It is not necessary to define classes, such that they represent the data fields in the back end. The object model should capture the behavior of the legacy system.
b) The object model should consist of classes which match the back end data fields. This aids the persistence of classes.
* c) Draw activity diagrams to understand the behavior of the existing legacy system.
d) The GUI client objects need to be behavioral driven and they directly communicate with the database.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
State diagrams:
*a) are good at depicting the behavior of an object across multiple use cases.
b) are best used for objects that have multiple interesting states and not for most or all the objects in the system.
* c) are good at depicting interactions among multiple objects.
* d) can be used for user interface or control objects.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
Which of the following are true about interpreting class diagrams from different perspectives?
a) Specification perspective class diagrams are developed without considering the programming language that might be used to implement it.
* b) The conceptual perspective class diagram of an application would not include all the classes required and their details, rather, they would only identify domain classes.
* c) In the conceptual perspective, associations represent relationships between classes, where as they represent responsibilities in the specification perspective.
d) Operations (the processes that a class knows to carry out) should be used in conceptual models to specify the interface of a class.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
UML interfaces are used to:
a) define an API for all classes.
b) program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk.
c) define executable logic to reuse across classes.
* d) specify required services for types of objects.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Which of the following are recommended when developing an OO system?
*a) Write a description of the concept that a class represents whenever a new class is declared.
* b) Use interfaces for types or roles that objects may play, independent of their location in the class hierarchy.
* c) Apply design patterns where applicable in the system.
d) Name classes based on their design specifics, such as "array" or "queue".
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
A resulting benefit of using
polymorphism is reduction of:
a) methods in the associated classes
b) subclasses needed to accomplish the same functionality
* c) case statements and conditionals
d) coupling between classes in the system
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Based on the following CRC card, what methods should Mortgage have?
* a) accrue( anAmountOfInterest )
b) calculateInterest( )
* c) apply( aPayment )
* d) getCollateral( )
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
eStore.com sells small appliances over the Internet. Currently, the store's catalog includes over 50 appliances from 10 different suppliers. A partial class diagram is shown in Figure Sample 1. There are two new requirements for eStore.com: discounts for damaged goods, and searches by size and color. Using Figure Sample 2, which of the following is the BEST way to extend the class diagram to handle these requirements?
a) Extend the InventoryProduct class to handle the new requirements.
* b) Create a new class "PhysicalProduct" that represents an actual product in the warehouse. Associate the PhysicalProduct with its related InventoryProduct.
c) Add new capabilities to the Inventory class for the management of its Products.
d) No changes are needed due to these requirements.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Referring to the diagram in Figure Interface, which of the following are true?
a) Classes "X" and "Y" are subclasses of Mortgageable.
* b) Instances of "X" and "Y" can be passed as parameters declared as type Mortgageable.
* c) "X" and "Y" must implement a getAppraisedValue() method.
d) There are instances of Mortgageable in the production system.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
Valid reasons for grouping classes into the same package are that, the classes:
a) are related by aggregation.
b) are worked on by the same group of developers.
* c) are related by specialization.
* d) support the same high-level services.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
Referring to the deployment diagram, Figure Deployment, for a system that manages mortgages, which of the following are correct?
* a) GUI classes should be in the Branch Client process.
* b) These components comprise a three-tier architecture, whether they execute on the same or different computers.
* c) For scalability, the business objects should reside in the Financial Apps Server.
d) Client integration is at the Database Server.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 3 correct choices).
Given the dependency in the Figure Packages, which one of the following is correct?
a) Changes to the Loan package requires an examination of the Customer and Account packages to see if changes are required to their classes.
b) Changes to the Loan package requires an examination of the Customer package to see if changes are warranted. If they are, the Account package needs to be examined to see if changes are required to its classes.
* c) Changes to the Account package require` an examination of the Customer package to see if changes are warranted. If they are, the Loan package needs to be examined to see if changes are required to its classes.
d) Changes to the packages can be made independently of changes to other packages since dependencies have been localized to each of the packages' internal designs.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Which of the following is true about a deployment diagram?
a) Since there is always some kind of response to a message, the dependencies are two-way between deployment components.
* b) Dependencies between deployment components tend to be the same as the package dependencies.
c) Deployment diagrams are NOT to be used to show physical modules of code.
d) Deployment diagrams do NOT show physical distribution of a system across computers
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
When designing the user interface for an application, if it is unclear what skill level the end user of an application will possess, which of the following is the BEST approach to take?
a) Define the level of skill that will be required by the end user and make the necessary arrangements for educating the users.
b) Define the level of skill that will be required by the end user and provide detailed on-line help that can be accessed by the users when needed.
c) Prototype portions of the user interface and perform some usability tests to identify any problem areas. Document any issues in the product readme and have the users read it before using the product.
* d) Prototype portions of the user interface and perform some usability tests to determine the users level of satisfaction. Make any necessary changes and repeat the process.}
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
Based on the following statements from a domain expert on a project, which of the following are requirements that MUST be extracted?
a) A note must be sent to the customer for incomplete mortgage applications, listing the missing items.
* b) A file must be established for every mortgage application at the time it is submitted, whether the application is complete or not.
c) Addresses on mortgage applications must be entered as all capital letters.
* d) A unique mortgage number must be assigned to each mortgage file. This identifier must follow financial industry standard format
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
When creating the use cases related to the "Prepare for an Event" scenario in the Figure ChefScenario, which one of the following BEST represents the type of terminology that the use cases should contain?
* a) chef, menu, recipes, ingredients
b) end user, bill of fare, cooking specifications, food contents
c) chef object, menu object, recipe object, ingredient object
d) person record, menu print stream, recipe container, ingredient array
Single Select
Which of the following are true about services resulting from use cases?
* a) New requirements in use cases generally result in one or more public methods in a business domain class.
b) Private methods are required by the system's use cases.
* c) Use cases drive the design of interaction diagrams, which in turn define public methods in model classes.
Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question has 2 correct choices).
What are the system's actors in the diagram, Figure Use Case ?
a) Clerk, Manager
b) Clerk, Manager, Customer
* c) Clerk, Manager, Bank network
d) Clerk, Manager, Bank network, Customer
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
If a use case had a requirement "Calculate account balance," which OOAD artifact would be the BEST source for determining the name of the public method used to invoke the operation?
a) Use case
* b) Interaction diagram
c) Class diagram
d) Activity diagram
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
When using OOAD artifacts to organize and assign team responsibilities on a project, it is BEST to:
a) evenly distribute use cases among team members and have them work as independently as possible in order to minimize code dependencies
b) designate one team for implementing interaction diagrams related to the "common code path" and another team for implementing interaction diagrams related to "code path variations" (for example ? conditional or error paths)
*c) divide teams according to package diagram dependencies and utilize use cases to schedule the work for the individual team members
d) divide teams according to the layers in the software architecture and have them work as independently as possible in order to minimize dependencies between the layers}
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).
An iterative development process:
a) represents a structured methodology, which includes functional decomposition.
*b) is a technique for managing complexity and plans for change during software development.
c) is a top-down approach without the dataflow diagrams.
d) is equivalent to an incremental development process.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must be selected).