I Hope This Helps
Carl Trusiak, SCJP2, SCWCD
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
I Hope This Helps
Carl Trusiak, SCJP2, SCWCD
Originally posted by ruilin yang:
"Design Pattern Explained" seems an excellent book for me. I want to win this book.
1. Does you book use UML for explanation?
2. Does the explanation in your book covers some specific Java technologies, such as Patterns in EJB, Patterns in web application designs, etc. ?
3. I understand Pattern is about relationships. I like to see explanation about the relationships (between objects) - patterns. However, I also feel it is very important to know how to implement (various concrete ways) these patterns. Otherwise I always feel the patterns are too abstract.
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Originally posted by kleho:
1) How are the patterns documented in your book ?
2) Do you use UML and to what extent ?
3) What patterns are covered ?
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Originally posted by Scott Matthews:
I have been programming in java about 6 months. Would your book confuse me at this point or can it be read by a beginner?
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Originally posted by FEI NG:
does your book have real world patterns design examples??
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Originally posted by Reda Mokrane:
Dear Authors,
is This book for beginners or experts?
Please comment,
Thank you very much.
Reda Mokrane
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Originally posted by Max Tomlinson:
this tiem without the typos:
Could the author please explain the difference between a Business Delegate and a Facade? Seems to me they are very similar. BTW this is a question on one of the Sun Java exams (SCWCD).
Max Tomlinson
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Ajeet Chauhan<BR><B>Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer <BR>Certified in Problem Analysis & Design from University of Cambridge<BR>Brainbencg certificates in - EJB,JSP,OOAD Concepts, Internet Concepts,WWW Concepts,<BR>JavaScript </B>
Originally posted by Carl Trusiak:
This Week we are giving away four copies of the book "Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design".
The Author, Alan Shalloway, will be online to answer your questions!
These copies will be Autographed by the Authors
Everyone give Alan a warm JavaRanch welcome.
Originally posted by Ammar Fakhruddin:
Is that book explain J2EE patterns as wee?
Originally posted by FEI NG:
Dear Author and Users..
Since only 4 winners will be selected and the rest of us will have to go out and buy the book.
Can we have a group discount just for us?? the javaranch people.
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
Originally posted by ravi bask:
Welcome Alan,
question one,
1) Is this book only for folks working in C++ or it is for folks
working in Java too, even though they are almost same, but still varies a little,
2) Doesn this book explains about Enterprise development, or just the old basic OOPS design
Alan Shalloway.<BR>Look for Jim Trott and my book: <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201715945/ref=ase_electricporkchop/103-0514572-3811868" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained</A><BR>Visit our site <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Net Objectives</A>.<BR>Visit our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/dpexplained/index.html" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">Design Patterns Explained Community of Practice</A><BR>Check out our <A HREF="http://www.netobjectives.com/xml/xml_cdrom_info.htm" TARGET=_blank rel="nofollow">CDROM based audio training in XML</A>
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