i have to develop a system for diamond manufacturers & exporters with financial accounting & inventory & imports integrated with it.
i have started it & done some work based on OOAD & RUP. I dont know whether i am doing it right or going all wrong.
i think u guys can check it comment on it
heres it
This document gives a general overview of requirements of "eximfast"
These r the subsystems in "EXIMFAST"
A. Export
B. Import
C. Financial Accounting
D. Stock
Requirements (FURPS+)
URPS is common for all subsystems
* Usability
1. Online Help
2. Manuals
3. Technical Documentation
* Reliability
1. Recoverability
2. Predictability
3. Security
4. Logging
* Performance
1. speed
2. accuracy
3. responsiveness
* Supportability
1. Adaptability(i.e. can adapt to changing business rules )
2. Configurability
3. Flexibility (i.e. Different formats for reports, invoice, voucher, GUI)
* Functional Requirements for Export, Import, Fa, Stock
(Following r the tasks to be done & reports to be generated)
1. Export Invoice
2. GR form
3. Draft Letter
4. Wrapper
5. Export Realisation
6. Bank Certificates
7. Licence Application
8. Special Import Licence
9. Proforma Invoice
10. Various Annexures
11) Bank Finances
1. Import Invoice
2. Import Remmitance
3. Import Reports
Financial Accounting
1. Sale
2. Purchase
3. J/V
4. Debit Note
5. Credit Note
6. Cash Payment
7. Cash Receipt
8. Bank Payment
9. Bank Receipt
10. Referencewise Tracking
11. Updating inventory from sales & purchases
12. Ledger
13. Cashbook
14. Bankbook
15. Sales register
16. Purchase register
17. Jv register
18. Trial balance
19. Balance sheet
20. TDS
21. Tax deductions e.g. CST, BST, Excise or any other thing which is customizable
22. Voucher printing
23. Invoice printing
24. Currency conversion
Stock & Manufacturing
1. Materials in
2. Materials Out
3. Finished Good out
4. Raw material In
5. Manufacturing process
6. Stock Report
7. Stock Valuation
8) Jangad Tracking
List of Most of the Use Cases (From Most Risky To Least Risky)
UC0 : Process Export
UC1 : Process Import
UC2 : Handle Export Payment
UC3 : Handle Import Payment
UC4 : Handle Manufacturing Process
UC5 : Handle Export-Fa Link
UC6 : Handle Export-Stock Link
UC7 : Handle Import-Fa Link
UC8 : Handle Import-Stock Link
UC9 : Handle Manufacturing-Stock Link
UC10 : Process Sales
UC11 : Process Purchase
UC12 : Process Cash Entries
UC13 : Process Bank Entries
UC14 : Process Journal Entries
UC15 : Handle Tax Calculation
UC16 : Generate Trial Balance
UC17 : Generate P/L
UC18 : Generate Balance Sheet
UC19 : Generate Schedules
UC20 : Generate Sales Register
UC21 : Generate Purchase Register
UC22 : Generate Bank Book
UC23 : Generate Cash Book
UC24 : Generate Journal Register
UC25 : Generate Ledger
UC26 : Generate Export Register
UC27 : Generate Import Register
UC28 : Generate Export Payment Register
UC29 : Generate Import Payment Register
UC30 : Process Bank Finance Availability
UC31 : Process Jangad Issues
UC32 : Process Jangad Cancellations
UC33 : Generate Tax Forms & Registers
UC34 : Handle Valuation of Stock
UC35 : Handle Custom Report Generator
UC36 : Manage User
UC37 : Logging
UC38 : Startup
UC39 : Shutdown
UC40 : Enter Packing List
UC41 : Enter Book Rate
UC42 : Enter Shipping Bill Details
UC43 : Enter Bank Approval No.
(Use Case or Feature)Comment

rocess Export
UC2:Handle Export Payment

rocess Import
UC3:Handle Import Payment
UC5:Handle Export-Fa Link
UC6:Handle Export-Stock Link
UC7:Handle Import-Fa Link
UC8:Handle Import-Stock Link
UC9:Handle Mfg.-Stock Link

rocess Journal Entry
UC25:Generate Ledger
UC10 : Process Sales
UC11 : Process Purchase
UC12 : Process Cash Entries
UC13 : Process Bank Entries
UC4:Handle Manufacturing ProcessInitiates the business cycle, high BV
Ends the business cycle, high BV
Core of Business Cycle
Hard to Add Late
Gives Base for FA Entries
Provides the resources
Bear minimum for Accounts
Affects raw material inventory
MediumUC15 : Handle Tax Calculation
UC16 : Generate Trial Balance
UC17 : Generate P/L
UC18 : Generate Balance Sheet
UC19 : Generate Schedules
UC20 : Generate Sales Register
UC21 : Generate Purchase Register
UC22 : Generate Bank Book
UC23 : Generate Cash Book
UC24 : Generate Journal Register
UC25 : Generate Ledger
UC26 : Generate Export Register
UC27 : Generate Import Register
UC28 : Generate Export Payment Register
UC29 : Generate Import Payment Register
UC30 : Process Bank Finance Availability
UC41 : Enter Book Rate
UC42 : Enter Shipping Bill Details
UC43 : Enter Bank Approval NoRest of the use cases are secondary activities which revolve around the high risk use cases thats why they r in medium risk category.
LowUC31 : Process Jangad Issues
UC32 : Process Jangad Cancellations
UC33 : Generate Tax Forms & Registers
UC34 : Handle Valuation of Stock
UC35 : Handle Custom Report GeneratorCan easily be added later on once the baseline system in ready

rocess Export
Primary Actor : Documentation Clerk
Stakeholders & Interests :
Documentation Clerk : Wants fast entry & without any errors.
Inventory Clerk : Wants inventory updated. Item wise updation.
Accounts Clerk : Appropriate effects to appropriate accounts & financial statements , in base currency i.e. Rs.
Documentation clerk is identified & authenticated
Currency Conversion Rate is entred
Success Guarantee (post conditions)
1. Export is recorded
2. Required Documents are printed
3. Export register updated
Main Success scenario (or Basic Flow)
1. Documents clerk(DC) starts a new sale
2. enters Export invoice no, date, party�s code & sale type i.e local or export
3. enter payment terms ID
4. display due date, calculated from payment terms
5. DC enters item id
6. system shows item desc., price, uom
7. sales clerk enters item qty
8. system calculates sales line item amount based on some rules
9. system presents running total of sales line item
sales clerk repeats step 5-9 until indicates done
10. system presents total with taxes calculated according to tax rules
11. sales clerk confirms sale
12. system asks to save it , modify it or cancel it
13. sales clerk takes action
14. system asks whether sales clerk wants to print sales invoice
15. sales clerk prints
Extensions (or alternative flows)
1. sales clerk enters invoice no. Which is already existing
a. system signals error & rejects entry
b. sales clerk enters invoice no. Again
2) sales clerk enters invoice date beyond
Iteration 1 (Duration 2 Weeks)
Deadline 1st May 2002
The requirements for the first iteration elaboration of EXIMFAST are as follows
Implement UC1

rocess Export (Enter Invoice & Print Invoice)
Nothing complex is added.
There r no links in place in this iteration.
Artifacts to be initiated in this iteration are as follows :
Domain ModelThis is a Visualization of the domain concepts; it is similar to a static information model of the domain entities .
Design modelThis is the set of diagrams that describes the logical design. This includes software class diagrams, object interaction diagrams, package diagrams & so forth.
Data ModelThis includes the database schemas & the mapping strategies between object & non-object representations.
Test ModelA description of what will be tested & how.
Implementation ModelThis is the actual implementation � the source code, executables, database & so on.
Use-Case Storyboards, UI PrototypesA description of the user interface, paths of navigation, usability models and so forth