Originally posted by Frank Carver:
On the one hand you seem to have made a lot of technical decisions (please explain how/why you have already chosen JSP, Tomcat, MySQL and NetBeans, for example).
On the other hand, you tell us nothing at all about what the application is actually supposed to do! For you or us to try and make any design decisions or offer advice without knowing what is being designed is a sure road to misunderstanding and probable failure.
All we know about the application so far is that it has a web interface. I'm guessing this means a HTTP interface, rather than applet(s). The only sensible way to "talk" HTTP from Java is using servlets, so your solution will likely involve one or more servlets.
How you produce your servlet(s) (hand written, or produced using code-generation tools such as JSP etc.), how you produce the HTML for the web pages (JSP, custom tags, templates, raw HTML in Java etc.), and how you manage the interaction between the HTML data and the "business logic" is still open.
I'm particularly worried that you seem to be leaping to potentially complex solutions (JSP, struts, XML, EJB etc.) with no evidence of need. I'm also having a hard time imagining a system that really has 70-100 entirely different kinds of pages and how you plan to make a usable, testable and maintainable application using this approach.
Please tell us more about why you have made the decisions you have so far, and some idea of what this application is for, in real customer terms. Thanks.
Originally posted by Srini Vasu:
On the one hand you seem to have made a lot of technical decisions (please explain how/why you have already chosen JSP, Tomcat, MySQL and NetBeans, for example).
--> Because they are all free/open source..costs or less money
This is just Web application 100 or so concurrent users..may be less then.. not known at this time..
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - Heraclitus
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