Originally posted by Pradeep Bhat:
Why this sudden change of heart to give shirts and mugs instead of books? :roll:
Oh, it's just a choice. I'm certainly not going to be forcing the tshirts on anyone. It's just that the "I Implement Half Bad Boy Plus Protocol" and "Dating Design
Patterns Reference Implementation Team" tshirts have been very popular.
A lot of other authors on Javaranch might also have provided tshirts or books, but I don't think there are a lot of "I Implement Core
J2EE Patterns" or "MVC Rules!" tshirts out there.
gangofone@datingdesignpatterns.com "I'm going to get Bert started on that 'Half Bad Boy Plus Protocol' thing tonight!"
- Kathy Sierra, coauthor of "Head First EJBs"
"Dating Design Patterns", for the geek who has everything.
www.datingdesignpatterns.com Available at SoftPro, Nerdbooks, Powell's Technical Bookstore,
www.cafepress.com/datingpatterns [ December 02, 2003: Message edited by: Solveig Laura Haugland ]