Matt A. Seif
6355 DanBrook Park
Charlotte, NC 28227
Ph#(704) 573 1025
[email protected] SUMMARY Extensive background in software development with emphasis in object-oriented technologies such Java (3 years), Java Server Pages (1 � years) Servlets (1 � years), C++ (2 years) as well as XML (2 months).
Sun Certified Programmer.
TECHNOLOGYOperating Systems Windows95, Windows2000, and NT.
Databases SQL Server, DB2 and Access.
Languages Java, JavaScript, C/C++, Java Server Pages, Servlets,
XML, HTML, and Visual Basic.
Tools VisualAge3.5, Visual Caf�4.0, Tomcat3.2.1, WebSphere3.5, IBM MQSeries WorkFlow Web Client, MQSeries WorkFlow3.2.0, JDK1.3 and CVS.
EducationUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.S. in Computer Science, May 1999. (Post Graduate)
Arabic University of Beirut
B. S. in electrical engineering. May 1992.
Feb 2001-Present First Union National Bank Charlotte, NC
�Current project (LLO) has extensive work with Java, JSP, Servlets, XML, HTML, JavaScript, WebSphere3.5.2, Tomcat3.2.1 and VeniceBridge API.
Collateral Follow-Up WorkFlow System (LLO) is a process
necessary to secure collateral against loan obligations.
With the implementation of LLO data is extracted from the
backend systems and presented to the Follow-Up Team Member
to begin working on the appropriate items.
�Developed performance test.
�Involved in developing prototype.
�We�re in the testing and enhancement mode.
�Team members are 6.
Aug 2000-Present Central Piedmont Community College Charlotte, NC
�Currently Teaching Java, object oriented Concepts and Design (2 classes).
Oct 2000 � I- SILVER, Inc. Charlotte, NC
Feb 2001 Contractor
�Mentored team members in the development and design cycle of the software.
�Developed web-enabled server appliance starting from scratch .(Phase one completed on time).
�Involved in the Research Development of future releases
and other software and tools needed for I-Silver development
� Team members were 7.
Technologies: JavaInstalledShield java edition (3.5), JSP, Servlets, HTML, XML, JDK1.2, VisualCafe Expert Edition (4.0), CVS, SQL, Tom-Cat3.1 and Apache server.
Jan 2000 - UNIFI TECHNOLOGY Charlotte, NC
Oct 2000 Software Engineer
�Worked on multiple projects, for multiple customers simultaneously.
�Most recent project has included extensive work with Java, JSP and Servlets for the Conventions Visitors Bureau of New Orleans.
� Designed two Applets; the primary one is a Calendar to select timing.
�The second one is a generic bar Chart.
�This Applet is database driven, allowing the user to connect to the database and pull out values (defects values) and see them as graphical representation.
�An alternate version of this Applet is a multi-bar Chart. This function also displayed bars on the screen based on values from database. JavaScript was also used for communication.
�Both applets have completed on time (2 months).
�Promoted to Senior Developer.
�Team members were 12.
Technologies: Visual Caf� Expert Edition (4.0), Tomcat3.1, JSWDK and JDK1.2.2.
Jun 1997 - Virtual Age Technology Charlotte, NC
Jan 2000 Contractor
�Analysis/Design/Development of marketing agency�s online Catalog system:
�Implemented GUI (Swing, AWT components)
�Implemented and advising-monitoring system calendar-schedule system, and online purchasing system used by the sales representatives.
�The system gives them statistical data based on certain criteria like (time-date, Geographical location, and some history about the client).
�The calendar-schedule system is to help the sales representative to set their schedule in certain time. Also it archives the history of their visits to a particular area and the results.
�The online purchasing system allows the client to order from a list of items and select methods of payment and shipping.
Technologies: Java, JavaScript, HTML and JDK.
Jun 1997 Developer
�Developed tracker automated reporting system: this is a Stored
Procedure, which sends/receives data to/from Database.
�This system generates two reports, the first one is to update the inventory and generates a sales order and send it to the ordering system to order the needed supplies from the suppliers .The second report is to keep track of billing and cost related and stores them in the archive-system.
Technologies: C, C++ and access.
Mar 1997 Contractor
�Designed and implemented a Payroll System and provided systems enhancement and technical support.
Technologies: C and C++.