You seem to be confusing a "component object model" with a "design pattern". MVC is a component object model. It takes one logical object and splits it up into three physical objects (model, view, and controller). The point is to separate out three different kinds of logic into three physically distinct places.
EJB is another instance of a component object model...the point of this one is to split up remote API from location/creation logic from the remotely performed business logic. You can think of a component object model as being a way of "projecting" a single object onto a set of orthogonal axes...breaking it down into parts that can operate independently from one another.
A design pattern is NOT a component object model. A design pattern is a collaboration of different objects intended to solve a particular kind of problem. As such, the "best" design pattern depends on the problem you're trying to solve. The book by the Gang of Four called Design Patterns details these problems and their associated patterns at length--you might want to poke through it for ideas.
Your question is sort of like asking, which is better, a hammer or a screwdriver? It depends...are you trying to put in a nail or a screw?