Sushma Sharma

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since Jun 02, 2005
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Recent posts by Sushma Sharma

Thanks Lochan. This is exactly what I was looking for.
13 years ago
I was finally able to get an answer from the DBA and looks like the listener on the oracle database was down around that time and was restarted later.
13 years ago

I might have to do something similar. I currently have one copy/folder of jboss4.2.3GA and jdk1.5. If I want to have two instances of jboss running on the same server, do I have to have two copies/folders of jboss installation? We want to have separate jboss instance with separate jvm for each application. How do I achieve that?

13 years ago

I am running a jsf1.2 web application on jdk1.5 and jboss4.2.3GA on Solaris 10 machine. I configured an oracle datasource in the oracle-ds.xml in the deploy directory of the server. The application runs fine and it is able to connect to the Oracle9i database configured. But over the weekend, the application could not get connection to the database with the following exception for 30-40 mins. Looking at the IOException phrase in the description, I am assuming that there was some network issue, but at the end of the highlighted piece of description is HPUX Error: 12: Not enough space , which indicates that something else might have caused it.
The first line has a lot of things in it which are out of my understanding. If anyone understands that line, please let me know.

If anyone had this problem before or knows what might be reason behind this exception and can help me resolve/analyze it, that would be a great help.


13 years ago

I have a jsf1.2 application running on jboss4.2.2 GA and jdk1.5. I need to access the LDAP from my application. Currently, I am doing the following to get the InitialDirContext.

So, here I have to specify the credentials and the server in my java code or in a properties file in my app. I would like to know if I can configure these details in any jboss xml file, like there is for oracle/mysql datasources(oracle-ds.xml and mysql-ds.xml), so that I don't have to change the details in my code and create a new war whenever we have to move to another server.

If someone has done it before, can they please help me out? I searched it online but found documentation for jboss portal. My application not a portal one.


13 years ago
Hi Rory,

I am a java programmer. I have not developed any mobile application before. Does your book help programmers like me or it assumes that the reader has some knowledge of mobile applications development?

14 years ago
for anyone looking for answer, here is what I did in my code. Instead of throwing Exception, I throw Axisfault.

and it results in the following response:

14 years ago
okay, I tried to do that also. but it doesn't seem to work. I started from the wsdl generated by axis2 and copied this wsdl into my application esp\WebContent\WEB-INF\services\EspService\META-INF folder. then changed whatever the return types, but it still doesn't work. I have one Bean class and two methods that I want to expose.
Here is my wsdl:

so, here I have named createIdentityResponse element as bmespid, but still when I test it with soap ui, the response is

How do I make it

Thanks a lot in advance.

14 years ago
I am using axis-2.1.3, jboss4.2.2GA and I want to change the name of xml element of result.

I want to change the above code to the code below, how do I do this? I have java class and then axis2 generates the wsdl.

Thanks in advance,
14 years ago

I want to change the faultcode. I am using axis2-1.3 and jdk1.5 and jboss4.2.2GA.
I have following :

I want the following:

how to do this or is it possible to do it?

14 years ago
This MyFaces wiki says that with Facelets or JSF 1.2 there is a standard way to make static java methods callable from EL , but doesn't describe it how. It shows how to do it for jsf1.1, which I already know.
also this link on facelets says you can have functions, but again, not much information there also.
15 years ago
Can anyone please tell me how to pass a parameter from EL expression to Managed Bean method? I am using jsf1.2, facelets. I read somewhere that there is a standard way to do it in JSF 1.2. I have done it in jsf1.1, but had to create my own implementation of HashMap. If there is something already out there, then I would like to avoid doing that in JSF 1.2.

in other words I want to do this :

Thanks in advance,
15 years ago
Thanks Ivan.
I installed soapUI today and tested my Web service with it. Turns out I was making mistake in passing parameter from the client.

15 years ago

I am wrote my first WebService. Server is jboss 4.2.2. I wrote a bean and registered as a servlet in my web.xml and deployed it to the server.
it deployed fine and generated the wsdl. Now, I am trying to test it with a client. Client is able to invoke the web service,
but it does not get the parameter I am passing. It always prints the parameter as null. Can anyone point out my mistake?

Thanks for the help in advance,

Here is code for my WebService class and client:

The expected output was "received input. success Apples", but it was returns "received input. success null", what am I doing wrong here?

15 years ago
Thanks Ivan.
I changed the client to use SOAPConnection and I was able to invoke the web service. but for some reson, the parameter I passed is always received null in the web service method.
15 years ago