Jonathan Miltner

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since Jun 02, 2005
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Recent posts by Jonathan Miltner

hi i am trying to work my way through the head first book but for some reason the midi player does not work right on my mac os X

right now all i want is to at least figure out how to make sound dynamically. so i found this source code based on the book which makes a sound but doesnt exit right:

[BOLD] but here is the real problem:[/BOLD]
when i try to modify it to take the note command from the command line as below. nothing works...
please helpppppp!!!

new code:
19 years ago
ok nevermind
i checked the api docs one last time
i guess i should just set the CASE_INSENSITIVE flag when making the pattern...
19 years ago
i am somewhat new to using regex in java and i can't seem to figure the following problem out:

i have 2 files that I am trying to process....

File 1 contains long lines of text with first and last names and various other stuff

File 2 contains tab separated info in the following order:
LastName FirstName Email

so for example i have:

line in file 1 reads:

then in file 2 i have something like
miltnerjon [email protected]

------------- below is my current process:

system reads info from file 2
creates pattern from last name:

So how would i expand this to do the reg-ex matching without being sensitive to case ?

thanks so much, i havent been able to find any docs on the web that explain this....

- jon
19 years ago