Maddi Ranjan

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since Jun 05, 2005
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Camera images are by default store in storage/root1/ of WTK 2.0 default emulator. But for nokia it is different u can get it using this code System.getProperty("");
for WTK 2.0 path is file:///root1/

This path differ device by device....
So u go through the manual docs of the device.
19 years ago
Hi All,

Can any body help me how i send request by HTTP Post fist and then HTTP GET on a single http connection connection.

Actually I want to send a requst by http post then according to the response of this message again I want to send another request but in http get method. Please any one help me as soon as posible, its very help ful if provide code by some one.

19 years ago
Yes u can do it using file connection api but ur devcice must be MIDP 2.0.

But there are some midp 2.0 device which are not support jsr-75, if the device support u can read write image from device.

for reading here is the code:

InputConnection fileConn = null;
DataInputStream dis = null;
fileConn =(InputConnection),Connector.READ);
dis = fileConn.openDataInputStream();
now from this DataInputstream u can read image data.

For write first u create a blank image file then open it in write mode, nad place the data in output stream.
19 years ago
Thanks for ur help, now its working
19 years ago
use (FileConnection),Connector.READ);
u will get success
[ June 30, 2005: Message edited by: Maddi Ranjan ]
19 years ago
Hi All,

Can any body tell me why we make our midlet to Signing Midlet. How we make a Signing Midlet using WTK 2.2. I trying to make it from WTK 2.2 utilities but I failed to make a signing midlet and unable to fetch the certificate.

19 years ago
I have also find out the solution of my problem. Actually in Nokia 6230i have limit of output buffer at a time it can write upto 60kb. But if ur file size is grater than 60kb it trows this exception.
Any way I find out the solution, just write the data chunk by chunk on output stream.
19 years ago
i have also same problem If u find the solution pls share with me...
I got the exception in nokia 6230i is
19 years ago
I don't know what kind of image processing you required. If you wnat to draw some text on the image then first draw the image on the screen and then draw the string on same canvas on appropiate position, If u marge some tow or more image then u need to water mark process and I think it best to in use server side then display on canvas.

And getRGB method return the image RGB pixels array, u can also place ur pixcel but for this u need to some difficult calculation... using pixel matrix .The getRGB method only work for MIDP 2.0 device

You can also use setGrayScale(int) to draw an image in white or black
[ June 23, 2005: Message edited by: Maddi Ranjan ]
19 years ago
Thanks for your tips...
I solve the problem using state variable and callBack method
[ June 23, 2005: Message edited by: Maddi Ranjan ]
19 years ago
Hi all,

I have a serious problem to stop a thread and its execution, Actually I want to stop the thread also its listener, and again restart it. I use this thread for socket and http and file connection, during this connection Screen display a progress bar, Now if the user press the clear button then the apps back to the previous screen and imediately thread will stop and also its remainig code block. But I cant do it properly Please give me solution how can i do it as soon as posible

19 years ago
Hi All,

Please give me a solution how I can fire an event when user pressed CLEAR button, from a screen the screen not be a canvas it is a form which contain some text box. I am not able to fire any event on pressing clear button from this screen... If any one know this please help me as soon as possible it is very very urgent

Thanks & Regards

There is some one who control us is it true?
19 years ago
Hi All,
can any body help me how I read a Jpeg metadata and then create thumbnail from JIFF header information, with code please.

19 years ago
Hi All,
Can any body help me about preprocessor in j2me. How i use it. I want o make a single jar/jad wich support on different device according to there screen size... means the resources are different for different device, so how i manage them in a single jar using preprocessor.

Please help me as soon as possible, its very urgent.

19 years ago
thanks for help, but can you help me how I can test my application in nokia 6600 emulator. My app is cldc1.0 and midp 2.0. And how i get the emulator for test on my pc.

19 years ago