Brian Pedersen

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since Jun 15, 2005
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I wrote to the publisher.

------------- Question -------------

We are about to start a study group and have decided to use this
book as our study guide.
Amazon states that a second revision will be available on October 21, 2005,
is this information precise or is it just an estimate ?

I hope you can clarify when we can expect this book to be available as we
need to decide if we should wait for the second edition.

Brian Pedersen

------------- Reply -------------

Dear Mr. Pedersen:

Thank you for contacting us at Prentice Hall PTR. I'm glad you checked here
prior to placing your order, because the 2nd edition is not currently on our
publishing schedule for this year. No specific pub. date is available, so I
would recommend purchasing the first edition.

I'm sorry I don't have better news.

Good luck,
Online Marketing Specialist
[ June 15, 2005: Message edited by: Brian Pedersen ]