Niyas Ahmed Sheikh

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since Jun 15, 2005
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As paul suggested, if windows 2000 professional can suuport Microsoft SQL Server, I think I missed some where. I am installed Microsoft SQL Server successfully. It asking for the SQL Server for connection. I tried with local host ( or localhost), but failed. Then I thought if it's possible to use the ip of my machine. I tried to find out the ip in my machine. But I am not getting.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ipconfig /all

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : asdcdasas0023
Primary DNS Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Cable Disconnected
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139(A)-based PCI

Fast Ethernet Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-10-0E-53-75-61

Which one to use or how to get the ip or how to enable, it is disabled?

When it is necessary to combine JSP, Servelets and javabean. What will be use of JavaBean?
19 years ago
I am using Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (5.00.2195) Service Pack 4 in my laptop.
Can I get the sample or example codings in the DAO Pattern. I have searched in google. Not getting any useful/related to my problem. Just I want to add the customer/student details in the database by using MVS, or as the group member told as DAO. How to use it, any sample or example coding will be available.
19 years ago
While I had tried to install the Microsoft SQL Server, I got the following error/warning messgae

However, It installaed successfully:

When I had tried to use my local host with windows authentication or local host with username:sa with password:sa, I am getting the following error message.


I am using Windows 2000. I am learning JSP/Servlet with JDBC. For which I am in need of one RDBMS. I installed Oracle 8i, but due to some error, it's not installing. Then I had tried Microsoft SQL Server. It's successfully installed, but while I started the Query Analyzer, It's asking for SQL Server. But I didn't find any server. How to connect to SQL server. PLease help to resolve my problem.

Thanks in advance
thanks for your reply.

So I can say that JSP only for view that is for presentation like GUI(forms).
Servlets for controller.
And what about JavaBeans? it is only for Property only?
can i get any sample codings or example in website for Model-View-Controller
Even JavaBean also a Java file with some speical properties. Why you are telling not to use database connection in JavaBean.

If I am using separated class for database connection, what will be the use. In that case for example, for registration of the customer details in the database requires the following files. (pls, at this moment EJB is far away from my learning)

Customer.jsp - For Forms For getting and setting properties - For controlling?(Having doubt in this file of his
role - For database connection

How these four will interact. I want the example thing for the above mentioned thing. If possible, pls provide the link. I had searched in google, but I am getting some complex mvc with EJB.

Also suggest, the above four files are mandatory for fulfilling a Good MVC Pattern.
19 years ago
Hi all,

I am learning JSP and Servlets. I am trying to do a small project in the area I have learned so far. Simply I am trying to do a MVC thing.

I am just adding/deleting/updating the customer registration details to the Database.
Now the section I havint the doubt.
I am using JSP for view that is, I am creating the form in the Customer.jsp (for example: Customer ID(int), Customer Name(char), Customer Age(int), Customer DOB(date))

I am using JavaBean for setting and getting the properties in (for example:
private String customer_id,customer_name,customer_age and customer_dob;
And getter and setter method.

Now whether the database connection and all other updating thing to the database should be kept at Servlets (i.e., or at JavaBean(i.e.,

I have seen the database connection in JSP, Servlet and Javabean. I know it is very bad thing to do any database thing in JSP. But, which one is best to use the database connection ? in Servlet or Java (Javabean).

Is there any situation to use the database connection in JSP.

If possible, any sample coding(I have written the coding, but I want to know, which one is having better performance and also see how the real appln have coded in the MVC) for just adding the details to the database in MVC Pattern.

Thanks in advance,
19 years ago

What is the best references/manual available to refer all types of errors in Java/JSP/Servlet/JDBC.

For example: Sometimes I am facing the error messages like "Numeric Overflow", StackOverFlow", "Invalid Number", "Response has been already commited". Just I want to know what are the cause for this error and how to solve it(though it's diffcult in some cases, I think so). Where to refer? Definitely, some manual/references will be available. Please don't say Google. Please provide the link/book that can be used as the references for refering the errors.
19 years ago
Sorry to post again the same issue. If anybody have the MS-word document of Swing, by Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev, Ph.D. please send to it to this ID: [email protected]
19 years ago
[Removed request for book]
[ October 13, 2005: Message edited by: Gregg Bolinger ]
19 years ago
I learned the basics of Swing. I want to learn more. I am searching of good book or online tutorial(other than sun) for complete reference of swing. If anyone knows some good books on swing or online tutorial will be helpful.
19 years ago
I am using Tomcat 5.0. I am learning Java Bean with JSP. I am encountering the below problem.

Below is the folder structure:

19 years ago

I am using Windows 2000. I want to install Oracle. Right now I am having Oracle 8. I want to install it. While I am installing it, I am getting the following error message:

I want to learn the oracle stored procedure and some example pgm with Servlets-JSP-Oracle.

Please help to solve my problem.

Thanks in advance
19 years ago

I want to run some example JSP. For that web.xml file is needed. If so, how to configure the mapping. For sevlet, we are using

For running JSP what needs to be done in the above xml file. Is there any JSP-name, that.

Another doubt, for each JSP we have to write the web.xml? is there any other shortcut is available to avoid it?
19 years ago