Shirley Koo

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since Jun 19, 2005
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Recent posts by Shirley Koo

Originally posted by Bert Bates:
The latest info we have from Sun is that the earliest a new exam will come out will be around September of 2006.

Bert, your news surprise me
Is that Sun's info already fixed or still able to change in the future?

I dont expect the new exam will come out this year I've already made plan to get 1.3 around may/june instead of SCWCD
[ February 13, 2006: Message edited by: shirley koo ]

Originally posted by sanneel paul:
want to plan for scbcd.But its really hard to keep motivation Up.Please help me .............

hi sanneel..
i had this experience when i took my scjp 3 months ago.
some ways i did to increase my motivation:
1.did action to buy voucher to make sure that i would take the exam some day and it gave me some 'pressure' to study seriously & continuously.
2.went to Sun Certification Result forum almost every day. reading other people succeed or strategy often gave additional spirit/energy to 'conquer' the certification like them as soon as possible...and not to give up easily.
3.compete with other friends which already took/will take the same exam. trying to get higher grade or to break their record sometimes can give additional challenge

hope this can inspire you...