Arvind Giri

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since Jun 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Arvind Giri

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But, what if a server have different aliases(e.g. and may be same server) and application needs to know which url was requested.
Yes Guys! You are right!

I got confused with <path> element which requires full path.
A tag file can be placed anywhere in the jar. But it must have a tld, which should be there in META-INF or its sub-folder.
It would be valueBound valueBound valueUnbound valueUnbound.


Result: valueBound

Result: valueBound valueUnbound

Result: valueUnBound
Congrates Sharad

Soon I'll catch you in SCBCD forum.
Hey! I got the answer, its very ridiculous.

I developed a simple tag and didn't specify the body-content.



and I am getting following exception

Does that mean that default value of body-content is JSP( Irrespective of type of tag(be it simple or classic)), But simple tag don't support JSP as body-content?
Hey Satou,
Now I am confused. Could you please tell me where it is mentioned that there is no default value.
Please reply.
Congrates Manish , Its a very good score

However, I think that it's always a run-time call irrespective of the contents of the included resource? Pls correct me if i'm wrong.

Yes it is always a run time call, But static content are inserted on as it is basis at run time.

e.g. if your html page contains

Then you will see <%= 1 %> in your browser.

However had it been a jsp file then the output would be generated from jsp and that would be inserted in the output stream. So the output would be 1 not <%= 1 %>;

Hope it answers your question ?
[ November 23, 2006: Message edited by: Arvind Giri ]

After invocation of the next filter in the chain.

means after filterChain.doFilter() statement in filter.

The scenario is : (for example) Filter2 after doing some processing with the response object give it to Filter1.
With respect to step 5 ,it means to tell that now filter2 may examine response headers even after giving it to filter1.

With respect to step 5 it means that when control will return to filter2 from call stack of filters and servlets(and servlet has generated response),
then filter 2 may/should examine response header. i.e. after filterChain.doFilter() statement.

Q2. Does the rule of step 5 also apply to request object?(because it is not explicitly mentioned about request object)

(OR) Simply put , Is the below statement valid ?

"After invocation of the next filter in the chain, the filter may examine request headers"

Hope now you are able to figure it out.
According to jsp 2.0 specs , default value of body-content is JSP(Page Number: 166(1-133)). and for tag directive it defaults to scriptless(Page Number: 196(1-163)).