Ajay Prakash Shukla

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since Jun 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Ajay Prakash Shukla

If we have it by link, should we put some kind of note for the examiner to click on the expand button that appears in the browser, so that it can appear in full size.

The diagrams ( class, component and sequence), dont fit within the browser, the IE browser minimises the diagram in order to fit into the screen, as a result, the image is bad. For the image to appear in full size, a button at the right bottom of the diagram need to be clicked.
Will that be ok ? I am making use of "link" from the html to open up the images in browser, is that ok or do i have to inlude it within the "html" through the "img" tag?

What everyone is doing about this?


I have been going over this a lot, but have not yet been able to make my mind, do we need to inlcude classes like "Route" , "Schedule" and all or an assumption can be made that "Flight" will have all this information. Question is how much detail we need to go?

Any hint guys
I looked at the thread you mentioned, that means we need to draw the class diagram in particular context of customer and itinerary and that would end up having 1 to 1 relationship between flight and segment. But this thing just doesnt make sense, like do we have to mention in the document that the class diagram has been drawn within the context of a customer and itinerary.


I was going through the class diagram in the cade's book, Cade has shown a relationship of 1 to 1 between LineItem and Product. I think the relation should have been many to 1 from LineItem to Product. The reasoning i can say is that same Product can be found in lineitems which are for different Order.
Whats the reasoning here for 1 to 1 ?

Sorry to start this conversation again and again but it just so confusing. I am just trying to put some understanding to it.

If we define "Segment" as all travel under a single flight number.

If we take an example of flight on the 30th June 2005 that is scheduled to fly from NY to Dallas through DC and Atlanta without change in flight.

a) Customer A has booked a flight from NY to Dallas and has got "Seat A"

b) Customer B has booked a flight from NY to DC and has got "Seat B"

c) Customer C has booked a flight from DC to Atlanta and has got "Seat B" as customer B will get off at DC so that seat can be again reserved for the same flight

Now in above cases we have multiple customers, each having 1 itinerary and 1 segment and all are assigned to same flight as the flight number didnt change at all, but we have different origin and destination city depending upon the segments of different itineraries of different customer.

Now the intriguing thing is that we should have many to 1 relation between segment and flight, 1 to 1 relation between segment and flight doesnt make sense ..or i am really missing something or i am going out of scope of the requirements.

Is this "flight" need to be described in some other way round, i have read post like it can be though of like a service provider by an airline for the segment and but how to put in real situation.

Any hint guys.
