Ruchik Mehtaji

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since Jun 27, 2005
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Recent posts by Ruchik Mehtaji

can anyone please help me with this issue? I do not know if I should use portletaction or simple struts action in my code. Both seem to work fine.
18 years ago
I am trying to deploy a struts application in Liferay. I know that a struts application can be deployed without making changes to any of the existing classes. I also read that I should convert all the action classes to ProcessAction classes. I want to know if that is really needed and what is the reason and advantage of doing this.

thank you very much
ruchik mehtaji
18 years ago
I think the best way to fix this problem would be to write a code that zips the folder and then upload the ziped folder to the server. Does that seems acceptable?
18 years ago
I am new to Struts so I may be wrong but I think you have to put the attributes in the session scope because if you put it in the request scope it will only avalable to the jsp and not the next action that is called.
18 years ago
This worked thanks a lot guys
18 years ago
My server is running on a Linux machine. I have a link to download files from the server. The problme is that the users can be windows users. In this case the files formet gets distorted due to the end of line problem. I am currently using printwirter to write the file to the response is there a better way to do this so I do not have to worry about the compatablity issue?

Thank you for all your help
18 years ago