sathya murthy

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since Jun 27, 2005
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Recent posts by sathya murthy

hi folks..
i had a web service, which will take name as a parameter and returns the greeting to that name..
In one machine i got tomcat and axis.. when i run the WS, on the machine where axis n tomcat are installed, using command prompt, its executing..

o/p:: Hi!sathya welcome to WS

Where dev is the folder containing Client1

now i want to use the WS from different machine..
i dont know how to use the webservice from a client end..
what r all the tools needed at the client end to run the WS....
and also i would like to use browser instead of dos prompt..
any suggestions in this regard are greatly appreciated..
18 years ago
im generating an XML file dynamically from oracle database
from ASP.its working for simple data like numbers,date etc and i could show that data as HTML output.
the problem is, the data itself contains special characters like & as part of the data,which in turn comes to my XML file. so i could not generate HTML output (not well formatted structure)
i couldnt modify the database. what modifications i have to do in my ASP code? i couldnt modify the XML file since it is created dynamically...
thanks in advance..
i am having a database named "personaldb.mdb" which contains a table named "personnaldetails" in ms access and i could retrive the data as an xml file by using ASP+IIS combination. if i do changes in the table it reflects sometimes in xml file and sometimes if i refresh i wont get the updated data even if i delete all temporary internet files...
how to run the same ASP file in tomcat 5.0.?
thanks in advance...
here is my ASP file:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "D:\asp\personaldb.mdb"
Set Tape = Conn.Execute("select * from personaldetails")
Do While Not Tape.EOF
<% Tape.MoveNext

my XML output is:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<name>Sathya moorthy</name>