Anjali S Sharma

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since Jun 29, 2005
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Recent posts by Anjali S Sharma

>> think that what it is requested from you is to enable the client to choose for an operation if it will block for a response

Will that mean that I'll have to create different services for each of these Message Exchange Patterns?
14 years ago
I have following code using SimpleDateFormat

The date being returned in strAED is "7/30/2009 04:11:57".

When I run this code, it gives me the following error

Can someone please let me know what could be the reason for this and how to resolve this.

Thank you
14 years ago
We have implemented a Java web service. Now we have been asked to do the following

"Provide different message exchange pattern interfaces for each web service (synchronous, asynchronous, long running, fire and forget"

Can someone please let me know, what changes are required to implement different Message Exchange Pattern Interfaces? Does it require only changing the WSDL or something else also.
I just need to understand if this is a minor change or invovles considerable effort.

Thank You
14 years ago

Lester Burnham wrote:Hadn't you better ask the person who gave you this task? He/she would know the context.

I was told that this is standard information related to web services, so I can easily find this out.

Thank You
14 years ago
We are creting some Java based web services. Now I have been asked to do the following

o Develop state determination of web service method calls
o Develop compensating web service method calls as required

Can someone please let me know what it means?

Thank you
14 years ago
In my Java code, I am getting Time in GMT

Date recDateObj = getGMTDate();

Can you please let me know how I can convert this time to one in EDT time zone.

14 years ago
I am doing the following in

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A
log4j.appender.A.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MM-dd@HH:mm:ss} %-5p (%13F:%L) %3x - %m%n

When I execute my Java program for the first time the logs are added to a.log. But when I execute the program again, the logs are appended to the existing logs only. This makes the log file very big and difficult to understand. Is it possible to create a new log file everytime code is executed.

Secondly, Can I print the same logs to console as well which are being written to log file.

Thank you

We are creating a Jax-ws webservice from which we need to return a value. I have the following annotated source in which I need to embed the business logic

public void getResumeDetails(
@javax.jws.WebParam(mode = javax.jws.WebParam.Mode.IN, name = "resumeId") String resumeId,
@javax.jws.WebParam(mode = javax.jws.WebParam.Mode.OUT, name = "firstName") Holder<String> holder0,
@javax.jws.WebParam(mode = javax.jws.WebParam.Mode.OUT, name = "lastName") Holder<String> holder1,
@javax.jws.WebParam(mode = javax.jws.WebParam.Mode.OUT, name = "address") Holder<AddressType> holder2) {
System.out.println("Resume ID passed as paramter is ---"+resumeId);


can someone please let me know how do I return a value from a Jax-ws service. The return type is void but it expects values to be returned from the service.

Thank you
14 years ago
Can someone please let me know what is meant by web services registry and what is publishing web services to a registry.

thank you
14 years ago
Does eclipse provide any plugin for creating services using JAX-WS? I am looking for a plugin which can generate code from a WSDL.

Thank you
14 years ago

shivendra tripathi wrote:MTOM doesn't add any element in WSDL. For security headers you have to use WS-Policy which I pointed in your earlier post as well.

Thank you.

If MTOM does not add anything to the WSDL then how can it be intimated to the client that MTOM is enabled at the server side and they can transfer content using MTOM.

Thank you
14 years ago
We are using contract first approach to create webservices. First we create the WSDL and share it with the clients. From this WSDL they are able to find out which operations to call and what parameters to pass.

But there are certain things which are not there in WSDL. Example, the client need to send username and password in SOAP header is not there in WSDL. Also, for content transfer MTOM is being used is also not there is in WSDL.
In practice, how is this information shared with the clients?
Is there a way to add it to wsdl?

Thank you
14 years ago
The problem was because of tcpmon. I closed tcpmon, now it is working fine.

Thanks a lot for your help.
14 years ago

shivendra tripathi wrote:This is some problem related to sending the attachment with response. For time being just remove the code where you are doing attachment stuff and see if security stuff works fine.

You are absolutely correct. If I remove the attachment stuff the code works fine. Security is working absolutely fine.
If I remove the security stuff then attachments works fine. If I keep both then attachments give the above problem.

Please guide me as to how I can resovle this.

thank you
14 years ago
Thanks a lot.

Now I am getting the following

14 years ago