Patrick Punty

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since Jul 01, 2005
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Recent posts by Patrick Punty

Hi I have cleared my SCJP 1.4 on 27 of this month.
Can any one tell me how can I see my marks on INTERNET.
And can any person other than me see these marks (i.e. is it password proceted ? ).

Roel did u buy it or just tried the guest login.
Thanks for the info....
but just to check for the 3rd question which roel had given
the output will be
Am I right ?
Please confirm.
bob I will say , just try some other free exams also
so that u may come to know how r u doing in those exams..
that will give u a good idea..

Yes ........
thats what I have studied that you should not catch assertion in catch block.

Which of the following modifiers can be applied to a class that is not a nested class?

a. public
b. protected
c. private
d. abstract
e. static
f. final
Hi j rangavallika ,

By using static block of code one can run a java program with out using main method, but to what extent the static code has power I am not aware of. Anyone plz confirm, and resolve my querry about static block's Power.

Well for your first querry I feel the answer is Yes, so that JVM can call it.
and I am sorry I didnt get your second querry
Hi I am also preparing for SCJP 1.4 and is in Mumbai (India).
I want to give my exam next month can any one from this place contact me, if interested for the preparation.

my number is (Removed personal information. Please send a PM or Email with that information, if you really want to give it away - Mark Spritzler)

[ October 18, 2005: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]
Which of the following modifiers can be applied to a constructor?

a. private
b. abstract
c. final
d. volatile
e. native
f. None of the above.

MYAns: a,c

Given Ans:a

But I feel Math class constructors are final.
Well by any chance constructors are final plz let me know.
But the option e is correct and C is wrong.
public class Outter
public static class Inner
public static void InnerMethod()
Which statement will correctly instantiates an instance of Inner outside of outter
a> Inner m = new Inner();
b> Outter.Inner oi = new Inner();
c> Outter o = new Outter();
Outter.Inner oi = o.Inner();
d> Outter.Inner oi = new Inner();
e> Outter.Inner oi = newOutter.Inner();

Please tell me the answer for this
I marked e as the correct answer.
But Please also tell me the difference between e and c option.

Thanks sandy,

One more thing is it always necessary to call a notify method to bring a waiting thread back to runnable state, or is it only necessary with the case of wait with no time frame defined.
Yes Neelima I agree with you....
It should go in the same way as u think
Other JavaRanchers Please confirm