Mahela Wickramasekara

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since Jul 02, 2005
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Recent posts by Mahela Wickramasekara

Hi Kathy

Why on earth you guys didn't give more practical examples in you Head First EJB book, Only full example given is Advice Bean that's it, what's the point , Even after completing the exam successfully we dont get any practical experience.
For example:
EJB-QL is explained in detail in the book, no worries, But there's no information given
how to specify EJB-QL in the DD( using <query> element - nothing specified about this element ). what's the point of learning EJB-QL, without knowing how to apply it & the exam expect for us to know how to specify these queries in the DD. I have no idea where to put this <query> element in the DD & how to specify these queries which is a responsibility of Bean Provider.
I'm not blaming u Kathy , I think you should improve this book by adding some more pratical examples & giving things which are missing & which are required for exam.

Hi Kathy

Why on earth you guys didn't give more practical examples in you Head First EJB book, Only full example given is Advice Bean that's it, what's the point , Even after completing the exam successfully we dont get any practical experience.
For example:
EJB-QL is explained in detail in the book, no worries, But there's no information given
how to specify EJB-QL in the DD( using <query> element - nothing specified about this element ). what's the point of learning EJB-QL, without knowing how to apply it & the exam expect for us to know how to specify these queries in the DD. I have no idea where to put this <query> element in the DD & how to specify these queries which is a responsibility of Bean Provider.
I'm not blaming u Kathy , I think you should improve this book by adding some more pratical examples & giving things which are missing & which are required for exam.

Hi guys

Consider an Enity Bean with a remote client
In the home interface of an entity bean both the create() & findByPrimarykey() methods returns component interface type
then why on earth we don't have to cast & narrow when v use findByPrimarykey() method ,Only when v use create() method v have to narrow & cast the result.
I dont get this thing Pls help me

Mahela (exam date 22nd Dec)
Hi all
how can we specify ejb-ql in the deployment descriptor , there's no
information given in the HFEJB,

Hi all

do we have to know each and every thing which are there in ejb2.0
spec, it is a huge document with about 500 pages, come on guys, it'll take about 2 to 3 years to memorize all that. :roll:
I need some advice one this, help me & do you think topics covered in the HFEJB is sufficient to get through this exam.

exam covers j2ee 1.3 & exam won't get updated before january don't worry
about that, HFEJB is one of the best choices for scbcd , the things which
are covered in that book is sufficient for you to pass the exam ,
If you are totally new to these technologies it is advicable to take sometime to get the feel of the technology, if you have done these things
before then you don't have to take much time for the certification itself

SCJP1.4, SCWCD1.4 (SCBCD in progress)
Hi all

Do we have to write this deployment descriptor(ejb-jar.xml) by ourselves or j2ee RI can be used to generate it. I have done the first
example in HFEJB but there is no file called ejb-jar.xml in the Directories
created. The compilation & deployment is OK but I unable to run that ejb.
it's giving runtime error & again this RI stands for what (j2ee RI).
Im talking about this AdviceBean example in HFEJB.
Help me folks I have to take this exam within a months time.

Hi all

I'm strugling between two choices ,whether to go for SCBCD or SCMAD.
Do you guys think that SCBCD is out dated & when will it get updated ?? .
I thought of doing SCMAD since it is quite interesting & Mobile technology also evolving quite
rapidly at the moment, :roll: but i'm afraid of going for that straight away since I know nothing about J2ME & there is not exam specific book
for that in the market currently.I think Still Head First guys not concerning about releasing a book on that exam
what do you think will they release a book for SCMAD in the near future ??.

so what you guys think what would be the best choice for me at the moment ???
what is the market value for each of these exams & what do you think
about SCDJWS

[ September 15, 2005: Message edited by: Mahela Wickramasekara ]
Hi all

I need some advice.let me know what are the recommended books for
SCMAD latest version.

SCJP 1.4,SCWCD 1.4
Hi All

Today I got through scwcd 1.4 with 75%.I guess this cannot be achieved
without you guys help.Special thanks to Mat Williams & Bert Bates. You guys really helped me.Those advices really helped me in the last two weeks.
And I cannot forget HFSJ. this gave me a very good knowledge to get through this exams.there is nothing else than HFSJ for scwcd & I highly recommend thanks all you guys again

SCJP 1.4
Hi all

I got only 52% for HFSJ final Mock, those questions are very very difficult I hope real one won't be like that, anyway i'm going to take the
exam on 9th sept, already registered, What you all recommend for me to do
in these two weeks ahead PLS Advice me immediately
I have done jdiscuss mocks I got a good average there about 72%
also i have completed mocks as well
Help me guys

[ August 31, 2005: Message edited by: Mahela Wickramasekara ]
Hi all

After completing all the coffee crams and final exam in HFSJ & all
the other things it covers. also after completing mocks available in
the & and completing several other mocks available on the net DO YOU ALL THINK ITS ENOUGH FOR ME TO GET THROUGH SCWCD 1.4,
or do i have to work more on this
Advice me

congrats Vivek

that's a great score

Enjoy !

SCJP 1.4 , SCWCD 1.4(in progress,HFSJ)