Hello everybody.
Sun thinks that I meet their criteria to be called as Sun Certified Java Programmer. And Special thanks to all thinking minds at javaranch who made this thought possible.
Though I was so busy with asp developement and other activities I postponned my exam twice and finally with few post at java ranch and My few days with Exam cram made my certification easy. Though the score I am very satisfied because I like people getting 60-75 range.
For all the SCJP aspirant please go through following facts to boost their confidence
1. Sun needs more certified professional as they are targetting future market.
2. The exam is made easy as never before.
3. Exam objective + Good guidelines from any certification books + few mocks and trying basic codes gives you enough expossure to attempt the level of questions asked.
4. You don't need to be very hardworking or great programmer to be sun certified thought it makes the process easy.
5. While attemting question be calm and composed and read carefully.
I was lost and could reach exam cetre late and my state of mind was not very calm and composed. Though after some time i settled down and just concetrated. Threads is the section which every one scores less.
Any way now I will be around here and actively help you all.
Thanks again for every body to make this possible
Now I think I can put SCJP 1.4 as my signature.