hanihanan younis

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 06, 2005
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Recent posts by hanihanan younis

Dear All Ranchers,

im new to EJB world i want a simple example using Enitity Bean+ Cloudspace DB+RI j2ee1.3

any idea,tip for seeing the first example run...
:roll: :roll:
Dear All,
im new to EJB..
i use RI 1.3.1 & i heared it has emebeded DB cloudscape & try to run it
j2ee_home\bin\cloudscape -start

but it is not reconizable command
any suggestion plz plz plz
THANX ALL Im success to make the Hello EJB=Advisor
thanx for sharing your suggestions to help me:
the link from Sandeep help me a lot
quick tips for new persons:
1)make JAVA_HOME,J2EE_HOME,CLASSPATH,PATH ready before Do anything
2)follow the steps of HF for wizards
3)Dont Turn off the Server (So the client can take the (advice )Response
4)After make clinet class ready run it if you use Windows OS like this link said in the end (Dont waste your time to read the Nice Story if you are hurry a lot)
At the End THANKS TO ALL who try to help wether he/she success or not..the point is there are nice people like you care about our probelms

Hi Satou ,
thanx to your quick response...but still give me the same error about jar file..any more suggesions from anyone please
Dear Ranchers,

i have more than 20 days tries to run Hello EJB example which is known as Advisor example in Head First EJB..the problem is still not be able to run it..i read a lot of here replies in this great forum..but still not find the Missing thing/s ..

im working in windows XP OS
last thing i reach it:
E:\j2sdkee1.3.1\projects\advice>javac -d classes -classpath classes;E:\j2sdkee1.
3.1\lib\j2ee.jar src/headfirst/*.java

success javac..

but when i want to
E:\j2sdkee1.3.1\projects\advice>java -cp -classpath E:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: E:\j2sdkee1/3/1\lib\j
my 2 questions is:
1) is the javac correct it is appear to me yes..but please tell me if not?
2)why java...etc give me like this..NoClassDefFoundError in jar file AdviceAppClient i think..

please i spend too long time in this Starting & i have adream to take this certifcation..
PLEASE HELP HELP HELP i need that more than rose for a rescue boat (TITANIC)
Dear MR Sanjaya Sugiarto,
yes like you advice me to re build the packaging it is did..& success..
thanx alot.. ..
But last thing please..
when i reach deploying the war file & should this is the easiest step..im shocked that when i open the browser to http://localhost:8080 Nothing work..but when i open the JBoss alone not from the eclipse it is working fine..& for assuring i try to opened JBoss after i run JBoss via eclipse..it gives me exceptions that the port already used which is a sign that it is run correctly..
i think it is something easy..but still i dont know it..please help me to enter EJB world...
Thanx again
Thanks a lot Mr Sanjaya Sugiarto ,
i will take your advice in consideration when i return to
home from the work..
but i read from a website that i needs to create it
like this:
Created-By: 1.4.0-rc (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: Standard-EJB.jar

is this correct or JBossIDE it should itself build it with archives in an EAR ?
Thanks a lot again for your intersting & helping
i appreciate that from my heart
No one want to Help.. OR try to help ..
Please any suggesstions or any success run the first example of JBoss IDE 1.5.0 tutorial..

thanx all
Dear All,
im new to JBossIDE..i download JBossIDE 1.5.0 & the tutorial..i try to run this example of Fibo..
i reach the packaging Configuration..
& make the steps but when run packaging this error appears to me:

E:\Documents and Settings\family\workspace\Tutorial\packaging-build.xml:5: Manifest file: E:\Documents and Settings\family\workspace\Tutorial\src\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF does not exist.

Any Help for that

Thanks for reading this & please dont ignore it
Dear Ranchares,
im new to these things anyone tell me what the benifits of each one of these xDoclet,Ant,Jboss-ide:
i wish also guidelines about these & tips

Thanx a lot
Thanx a lot both of you to try to help me..
& specially Sandeep MP
you understand my problem exactly..
NO ONE WANT TO HELP :roll: :roll:
hi SCBC Developers,
i still walking around myself waiting to begining studying,learing and taken the SCBCD (as an aim result).
but i have a habit to see the Hello EJB example work then start to study...

i installed j2ee1.3.1 & make the nice steps from HFEJB..but unfortunallty i cant run the clinet!!!
i think it is something simple but i cant figure it out..
once i reached javac ...{CLASSPATH}..... XXXX.jar XXXBB.java..

XXXX.jar XXXBB.java..:forget the names of them
it told me javac.. not allowable or something like that.. the projects folder i put it inside the j2eee1.3.1 folder directly & from the terminal from command prompt i reach it then try to compile it..also i do the 4 pre steps for JAVA_HOME,J2EE_HOME.. etc i think they are 4...

so i want a generous & so gentle Developer to put me in the right way .
sorry for giving a lot of details but to make the picture clearest as i can.

SCJP1.4 ,SCWCD1.4..preparing SCBCD
hi Balaji VR,
first:you fall down from the sky to give me this favor..
i will be thankfull to you to tell me how to download
1)JBoss 2)eclipse 3) to configure them with each others so they can work easily..coz i saw a lot of books about that..but i want easy way to start..
then i will read ...

i understand from you that to learn for this Exam you also not recommended the JBoss right?