John Brosan

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since Jul 07, 2005
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I know that this is a really old post, but I am having the exact same issue and I was wondering if there are some good examples that someone could point me to in order to resolve this issue.

13 years ago
Well, I feel like an idiot, it appears that the RestApp-War project somehow got changed from being the main project to NOT the main project. I set it to the main project again and it works!

Sorry everyone.

15 years ago
Hello everyone,

I am trying to do a simple hello world REST app using Netbeans 6.8M1 on Ubuntu Linux 9.10BETA using Jersey

I am getting the following error. I am sure that I am missing something simple, but can't seem to put my finger on it.

Here is the error that I am receiving. Not sure why its not building the jar. I am a bit of a neophyte, so any assistance would be most appreciated.

Here is my EJB

Here is the web.xml which is where I think the issue may be.

Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.

15 years ago

Cameron Wallace McKenzie wrote:I'm a big fan of JSF2.0. But I will say that at its heart, it is very similar to earlier versions. Many of the classes are the same, and many of the tags are the same. There is increased support for AJAX and JavaScript elements, and there have been many general improvements that make it very flexible.

If you're really cutting edge, do the best of both worlds, and play with the RichFaces implementation that uses JSF2.0. Then you're really doing some kewl stuff!

If you want some really neat user interface stuff, and you want to learn something neat, I'd even suggest GWT. I love working with Google Web Toolkit.

Hey Cameron, Thanks for the reply. I will definitely pull the RichFaces 4.0 Alpha along with OpenFaces and give those a shot. I'll admit, I've been hesitant about using JSF in the past, but I have a lot of hope for JSF 2.0 and future iterations.

I did try GWT about a year or so ago on a project for work. We had a rather large project, and back then, ( I don't know about newer versions) the compile time on our UI was pretty insane. While it did make it to production, the next iteration was using Adobe Flex.

I will definitely look at JSF 2.0 and even GWT again and see how those work out.

Any other information and bits of advice you could provide me would also be appreciated.

Thanks again Cameron.

15 years ago
Hello everyone,

I apologize if this forum is not the correct place to pose this question. Being a JSF forum, I expect some bias, but that's actually a good thing.

I am currently working on creating some web services for a pet project. Mostly for self education purposes. The web services will be providing both REST and SOAP. I would like to be able to change the user interface from something like JSF 2.x to, say, plain ol' JQuery, or even Flex or JavaFX or JSF 3.x (down the road of course)

I've done very little with JSF and what I have done was a long time ago. Would someone be so kind as to kind of give me the skinny on JSF 2.x? Is this something I should take the time to learn? Is it substantially better than the 1.x versions of JSF? How performant is JSF 2 and how scalable? I've been looking around the Internet trying to get a feel for this, but its mostly been hit or miss.

I should mention that I am using Netbeans 6.8-M1 and Glassfish v3 for EJB 3.1 which also includes JSF 2.x under 64bit Linux

Any insight that could be provided would be most appreciated.

Thank you,
15 years ago
Well, after much pounding of my head during the last few days, I actually found a solution.

As it turns out, I needed to remove the security role tag from the web.xml file and place an '*' into the role-name tag.

It's currently my assumption, that once the user is authenticated, the code would check the user's roles to make sure they could have access to the application.


I added the following to my log4j.xml file to get logging information.

After checking server.log I see that it looks like I'm getting authenticated and the correct role is being picked up. I'm still not sure why I am getting 403'd on my resource if I've got all of the information and assigned the correct role to the resource.

[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: John Brosan ]

[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: John Brosan ]

[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: John Brosan ]
[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: John Brosan ]
Sorry about that Mark.

All set now. :-)
Hello everyone,

I am using JBoss 4.0.2 w/Tomcat 5.5.9 (integrated) along with jTDS and SQLServer for a project.

I would like to use DatabaseServerLoginModule and single sign-on. I've created the approprite tables in my database for users and roles. I've created simple jsp pages for login and login error. I've also modified my login-config.xml, jboss-web.xml and web.xml to handle the security. I am using the Tomcat valve for singlesignon.

However, when I test the protected resource with a valid userid and password, I get a 403 error message. If I try to login with an invalid userid and password, I get the error jsp that I created.

This tells me that I am authenticating the user, but I am probably screwing something up with the roles as I cannot get access to the restricted resource even with the correct userid and password.

What I am trying to accomplish is

1. Authenticate a user against the database tables for userid and appropriate roles.

2. Use a custom error page when the user does not have access to the resource. Uid/pw combo AND role

3. Use SSO across the various web-apps that will comprise this project. Is it possible or correct for one web-app to handle all of the login/logout processing? If a user tries to access a web-app can that web-app redirect the user to a login page in another web-app? All of these web-apps will be in the same container.

Any help that could be provided, would be most appreciated.


Here is my stuff




[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: Howler ]