Stein Vom

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since Jul 10, 2005
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Recent posts by Stein Vom

Thanks Piotr for the reply.
It did worked upto a point, but than it was unable to connect to the server. It asked me to checked the Proxy settings. Nevermind, leave it.
Thanks anyway.....
Hi all,

I'm able to try the trial version of Whizlab. But I'm unable to find the trial version of Enthuware. The link at the page:
gives only an .ets file. Which, if opened with ETSViewer, requires some Order Id. The following link gives an trial version, but that is for ejb 2.1
and not 3.0:

I want to try Enthuware first, before buy any Software. Can somebody help...

Thanks in advance
Congrats Sunil !!
I would like to ask you one question regarding the exam you gave.
How many questions did you saw on Date, DateFormat, Calender?

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Hi all!
But do that means that we can use our old Voucher(purchased few months back with the old price) for scjp1.6 now ?
Hi Denise! You don't need to give any information to the center regarding the Voucher. At present, you don't need anything from it. But you have to make sure that you have your exam scheduled on the right Date with your name(Through phone or whatever way). Why i'm giving stress on scheduling the exam, because there are cases when the center is already having all the terminals(computers used for the exam) booked for some days(by other people). So, if possible shoot them an email(as you were talking about sending email only), writing that you want to give so and so exam on this date, "please register my name". Thats it! If you still have any doubt on this topic, feel free to ask again. We are here to help you..take care and best of luck!!!
Hi all!!

Can anybody tell me, what does this '\1' means in the following line of code.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([a-z][a-z])\1");

I couldn't make out even after running the program.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the quick response! Thanks a lot
I have a question related to regex. How much of Pattern Elements should one study for the scjp 1.5 exam? There are many of them.

Thanks in advance.
Hi, does anybody know where the work folder is in weblogic?, like we have work folder in tomcat and jboss. Where all the compiled jsps are kept.
17 years ago
Congratulations Camilo, please share your note with us.
Here i would like to ask is that after seeing the SPEC, ejb3.0 spec seems to be of very less pages (around 100). Whereas the ejb2.0 spec consists of around 600 pages. Can we say that ejb3.0 is not that difficult(here i mean less time consuming)?
Thanks for the reply. Here i would like to ask is that after seeing the SPEC, ejb3.0 spec seems to be of very less pages (around 100). Whereas the ejb2.0 spec consists of around 600 pages. Can we say that ejb3.0 is not that difficult(here i mean less time consuming)?
Hi all! Here i would like to ask you people, for which exam i should go for ejb 3.0 or ejb 2.1? And which one is this 5.0. Is it the same as 3.0? Please suggest...
How can we contact these people, Please le me know their contact numbers or address
17 years ago