Jyothsna Panchagnula

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since Jul 11, 2005
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Recent posts by Jyothsna Panchagnula

I see that in the Spring configuration files , that scope="tenant" is used ?
I tried searching in Springsource.org , Spring forums and googled it but couldn't get much info.

a) where this will be used and in what contenxt?
b) what is the purpose of it?

12 years ago
I am currently preparing for Web Services Certification.
and currently done with
a) SOAP and WSDL concepts from RMH book.
b) JAX - WS through Ivan's notes.

Just wondering what are the next steps here for me
to proceed with the preparation.

Please check your private messages.
14 years ago
I have 2 sun vouchers which can be used for any of the sun exams

one voucher expires by end of this month . I am willing to sell it for $100
another voucher expires on Oct 30th , and I can sell it for $200

Let me know if anyone is interested to buy.

14 years ago
Hi all,

I have an enterprise application which is developed using weblogic8.1
Currently I am upgrading the application to weblogic 10gR3.

I am not changing the java classes as per jdk 1.6.

As weblogic10.3 has backward compatibility I want the code to be up and running with minimal changes.

so When I build the code using ant I get the following error.

My EJB :

my ant code

Am I missing anything here?

15 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to delete a jar file in windows but Iget an error that "unable to delete the jar file".
I also checked my classpath and I dont have "." in my classpath .

I also closed all other applications but still the problem persists.

am I missing some thing here?

appreciate your inputs on this.

15 years ago
Hi Deepak,

I am using the latest version only.

The Weblogic 10.3 comes with JAXB 2.1. The problem is the ObjectFactory.java created by the xjc task using JAXB 2.1 is different from the older ObjectFactory.java created using the JAXB1.3. The newInstance() method is missing in the newer version because of which the existing code that uses this method is facing problems.

I can see the problem with 2.1 version only as that newInstance() method is available even in JAXB 2.0.

The Final version of the JSR 222 ( Jaxb 2.1) Architecture Document says that the ObjectFactory has that method.

This can be shown in the following code snippet taken from the Architecture document.

But I dont get that method when I try to generate the java files from the XSD document.

Can any one tell me what is the replacement for newInstance method in ObjectFactory (if there).

15 years ago
Hello Bala,

I am using now XJC compiler only from jdk1.6.

But in one of the java files my code is referring to the method newInstance(java.lang.Class) , which was
generated by jaxb1.0 in ObjectFactory class.
ie the method new Instance(java.lang.class) was available with jaxb1.0 version.

But with jaxb2.0 this method is no longer generated.

Can any one tell me what should be the replacement for the above line of code.
I went through the specification but I didnt find any information so far.

am I missing anything here?

15 years ago
Hi all,

I have an xml and xsd files.

I am trying to generate java classes using xjc ant task in jdk 1.6.
xsd file :

xml file :

When I generated java classes using the initial version of ie 1.0 of Jaxb , I saw that GuiField and GuifieldType classes were generated.
but when I was migrating the application from weblogic 8.1 sp6 to weblogic 10.3 only one class was generated ie GuiField.
I am not knowing whats going wrong , as some classes were looking for GuiField type and it is not genereted.

In jdk 1.5 I used the following jars for jaxb ie jaxb-api.jar , jaxb-impl.jar , jaxp-api.jar , jaxb-lib.jar.

with JDK 1.6 I used that jars that come with bea weblogic.
ie glassfish.jaxb.xjc_2.1.6.jar ,glassfish.jaxb_2.1.6.jar

am I missing anything here?

15 years ago
I am migrating the J2ee (1.4) application from 8.1sp6 to Oracle Weblogic server 10.3
I have set the environment in build.xml to point to Oracle weblogic server and the java to the one that comes with Oracleweblogic.

Rite now I am seeing the following error.

According to Oracle Weblogic , xerces is been not supported .

Also we need to go with the xerces.jar for some time.

Any ideas /inputs/work arounds on this will be appreciated.
15 years ago
Hi all ,

The issue with the JSPs is fixed .. but then I am getting some NoCLassDefinitionFound error

I have javelinx.jar ,javelinx-client.jar and bcel-5.jar in the path
am I missing anything here?

15 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to migrate the project from weblogic 8.1 SP6 to weblogic 9.2 MP3.
When I am building the app I am getting the following error.

I have all the jar files in the path.

Am I missing anything here?

15 years ago
Hi Deepak,

I am trying to build my application in 9.2 weblogic through ant script.

I have the following jars in the ant build path:
1. weblogic.jar
2. webserrvices.jar
3. ant.jar
4. webserviceclient.jar
5. xbean.jar
6. webserviceclient+ssl.jar
7. wlxbean.jar
8. weblogic-container-binding.jar
9. tools.jar
10. rt.jar

My ant version is 1.7 , jdk 1.5 , weblogic 9.2 MP3

Am I missing something here?

Appreciate your inputs on this.

15 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to build my application in 9.2 weblogic through ant script.

I have the following jars in the ant build path:
1. weblogic.jar
2. webserrvices.jar
3. ant.jar
4. webserviceclient.jar
5. xbean.jar
6. webserviceclient+ssl.jar
7. wlxbean.jar
8. weblogic-container-binding.jar
9. tools.jar
10. rt.jar

My ant version is 1.7 , jdk 1.5 , weblogic 9.2 MP3

Am I missing something here?

Appreciate your inputs on this.


15 years ago
Hi Amit,

I am also getting the same error when I am migrating my application from 8.1 SP6 to 9.2 MP3.

I get the same error when I am building the app through ant 1.7.

any inputs on this error?

15 years ago