raminaa niilian

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since Jul 14, 2005
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Recent posts by raminaa niilian

I am looking for a way to find-out when a particular commit has appeared in a branch. Let's say we have a commit, abc4587, in branch dev and the branch at some point was merged to prod branch. What I am looking to findout is when that merge has happened to bring the commit abc4587 to dev branch.


I am trying to understand is it possible to have functionality of both these methods in one place? for example have a formatted message with the parameters and also have the exception being logged along with the message?

Thank you.
12 years ago
I am looking for a tool or a way to refactor w large utils class with lots of private and public static methods and put those methods to the classes that are accessing them. In total there 12 classes in two packages that use the methods in the utils class. If you know any tool or any best practice to refactor check where each method or set of methods should be placed please let me know.

Some of the classes in those packages have common ancestors which can be good place for the common methods but some classes are isolated.


I am wondering how NetBeans and IDEA compare with eachother in supporting Maven based project creating/importing and general development of maven based projects. Any comment or experience about them will be appreciated.

I am writing some code and in my code lot's of exceptions can happen, exceptions like IO and XML parsing exceptions. I am wrapping these exceptions into a domain friendly runtime exception and throw them up to the caller code. My question is whether I should log the original exceptions in my code or let the caller to take care of logging?

Thank you.
13 years ago

Any idea on what are the differences between roles of Principal Member of Technical Staff and Principal engineer at oracle. I mean what makes there role different from each other in the ladder of job positions.

13 years ago

I am looking for soma information about different levels of software engineering career. for example the following items am aware of from the lowest to highest

associated engineer
software engineer
senior software engineer
principal software engineer

Do I sorted them correctly or I am missing some of them.

My other question is about differences between a Java developer and a software engineer? Also the difference between a senior java developer and a senior software engineer.

If you have some comments or your company has some ordering, would you please share the ordering?

13 years ago

I am using Mac os and NetBeans IDE and SVN downloaded from http://www.open.collab.net/downloads/community/
The problem is that sometime NetBeans shows that a file is changed on the server but diff does not reveal anything. On the other hand, sometime it suggests that the whole file is changed (during diff) while all likes in the code are identical (checked them one by one).

Is there specific configuration to prevent this behavior?


Is is possible to invoke a spring service (over http) asynchronously? if yes, would you please point me to a correct document of something? I am looking to invoke a service, let the service do the processing and finally when it finished the invocation send me back the result..

14 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I am looking to know how to implement a listener to get updates on the method progress. That particular class you mentioned is in Java EE while I am using swing.
Basically, I want to update the invoker which is client code (Client to my method, not a client server architecture) about the progress of the method. The invoker can either update a GUI, print the text to the console or whatever it wants to do.

14 years ago

I have a method which will execute a long running portion of code. I want to report back to the code that invoke my method the progress I am making in executing the code, for example to let the invoker know I am in pre-processing section, or processing, or validation....

Is there anyway to do that?

14 years ago

Can someone please let me know what is the fastest way to convert a two byte signed array to a short primitive in little endian?

14 years ago

I am looking for a way to get the voices which comes to the microphone and send the voice to the phone speaker or handsfree.

I am wondering whether it is possible or not and if it is, can you please give me a pointer about which package I should look at?

14 years ago
Thank you for posting reply.
Can you please explain more about using IN? should I create a JPQL dynamically and include all PK form the list into the dynamically created query or I can pass the list to JPQL directly?